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Scarabaeoidea of Southern South America Links
Keys |
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Scarab Guide Links
(goes to the University of Nebraska
web site) |
Classification |
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Ataenius Harold, 1867
Ataenius Harold, 1867: 82. |

Ataenius chilensis (Solier)
Photo by Paul Skelley. |
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Type species: Ataenius scutellaris Harold, 1867 by subsequent designation (Chapin 1940). |
Aphodinus Motschulsky, 1862: 55; type species: Aphodius
.....castanicolor Motschulsky, 1858
by subsequent designation .....(Dellacasa et al. 2001).
Hexalus Mulsant and Rey, 1870: 200; type species: Hexalus .....simplicipes Mulsant and Rey, 1870 by monotypy.
Pseudammoecius Schmidt, 1913: 160; type species: Aphodius .....australasiae Boheman, 1858 by monotypy.
Placopterus Chalumeau, 1983: 144; type species: Ataenius .....tuberculatus Schmidt 1911 by monotypy. |
Diagnosis: Within the Eupariini, Ataenius is highly variable and best defined by characters it lacks. It is
the central core of taxa from which other genera have been recognized. Members are solid black to reddish
brown, head usually with weak transverse wrinkles, clypeus dentate or not, tibia usually only moderately widened
at apex, and pygidium with apical half eroded. |
Remarks: This highly diverse genus contains nearly 200 species in the New World. Stebnicka is actively
revising New World members of Ataenius and has several papers yet to finish before the fauna is completely
covered. Several members of the southern South America fauna have been included in these revisions, while
others remain to be revised. |
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Species profiles: (click on species names)
Ataenius chilensis (Solier)
Ataenius gracilis (Melsheimer)
Ataenius opatroides (Blanchard)
Ataenius picinus Harold
Ataenius platensis (Blanchard)
Ataenius strigicaudus Bates |
Chapin, E.A. (1940) A revision of the West Indian beetles of the scarabaeid subfamily Aphodiinae. Proceedings of the United States
National Museum, 89, 1–41. |
Excerpt from:
Smith, A. B. T. and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa 1458: 1-80. |