Scarabaeoidea of Southern South America Links
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Ataenius chilensis (Solier, 1851)
Ataenius chilensis (Solier).
Photo by Paul Skelley.
Ataenius chilensis distributional records from southern South America.
  Original combination: Aphodius chilensis Solier, 1851: 72.
  Type locality: “Coquimbo y Santiago.”
  Synonym: Ataenius modestus Schmidt, 1912: 199; type locality: “Chile.” New synonymy.
  Type specimens: Aphodius chilensis lectotype at MNHN examined. Lectotype labeled: “Coquimbo / & / Santiago” (handwritten), “MUSEUM PARIS / CHILI / GAY 15-43” (typeface), “15 / 43” (handwritten on underside of round green label), “Aphodius / chilensis Sol / Coquimbo et / Santiago” (handwritten), “APHODIUS / CHILENSIS / SOLIER / LECTOTYPE SKELLEY / & SMITH” (handwritten and typeface on red label), “Southern Neotropical Scarabs / database # AS2599069 / Ataenius chilensis (Solier, 1851) / DET: A.B.T.SMITH 2005” (typeface). Lectotype designated in Smith and Skelley (2007). A lectotype is designated to stabilize the nomenclature of this species since the name has been misapplied for over a century. The location and existence
of paralectotypes is unknown. Ataenius modestus lectotype at NHRS examined. Lectotype labeled: “TYPUS” (typeface on red label),“Chili. / Germain” (typeface), “At. modestus / Type m.” (handwritten), “215 / 64” (typeface and handwritten on red label), “22 / 79” (typeface and handwritten on red label), “Lectotype, At / modestus Sch. / Des. F. Chalumeau 80” (handwritten and typeface), “LECTOTYPE” (typeface on red label), “LECTOTYPE / Ataenius / modestus Schmidt / des. P. Skelley-06” (red label), “Southern Neotropical Scarabs / database # AS2607011 / Ataenius chilensis (Solier, 1851) / DET: P.E.SKELLEY 2006” (typeface). Lectotype here designated. One paralectotype at NHRS labeled: “Chili. / Germain” (typeface), “PARALECTOTYPE / Ataenius / modestus Schmidt / des. P. Skelley-06” (yellow label), “Southern Neotropical Scarabs / database # AS2607012 / Ataenius chilensis (Solier, 1851) / DET: P.E.SKELLEY 2006” (typeface). Two additional paralectotypes at NHRS labeled as the preceeding but with database numbers “-AS2607013” and “AS2607014.” A lectotype is designated to stabilize the nomenclature of this species since the name has been just discovered to be a junior synonym. The location and existence of additional paralectotypes is unknown.
  Specimens examined: 36 specimens were examined from FCOC, FMNH, HAHC, MNHN, MNNC, PESC, SEMC, UCCC.
  Distribution: ARGENTINA (1): Neuquén (1): Parque Nacional Lanín (S of Lago Huechulafque). CHILE (35). IV Región de Coquimbo (2): Puente Mostazal (Río Grande, W of Carén); V Región de Valparaíso (6): Algarrobo, Quillota, Valparaíso; Región Metropolitana (5): Santiago, Santiago (San Bernardo); VIII Región del Bío-Bío (13): Laguna del Laja (Los Barros), Los Angeles, Los Barros; No Data (9).
  Temporal data: January (15), April (1), July (1), October (3), November (2).
  Diagnosis: Length 3 mm. Body solid black, relatively shiny. Cypeus with distinct, but weak granulations, without elongate punctures.
..... Remarks: Ataenius chilensis is the only Ataenius found to be endemic to the region, and it is rarely collected. Previously the species was considered to be a synonym of A. gracilis. Upon studying the lectotype of A. chilensis, located in MNHN, it was discovered that this synonymy was in error. Comparison of this lectotype with the lectotype of A. modestus Schmidt, showed they were conspecific. Ataenius chilensis is reinstated as a valid species and A. modestus is here synonymized under A. chilensis.
  Excerpt from:
Smith, A. B. T. and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa 1458: 1-80.

Authors: Andrew Smith ( Canadian Museum of Nature) and
Paul Skelley (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services).
This website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0342189.
Generated on: 02/NOV/07.....Last modified: 02/NOV/07

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