Scarabaeoidea of Southern South America Links
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Ataenius strigicaudus Bates, 1887
Ataenius strigicaudus Bates.
Photo by Paul Skelley.
Ataenius strigicaudus distributional records from southern South America.
  Original combination: Ataenius strigicaudus Bates, 1887: 96 (emended from Ataenius strigicauda to match the masculine gender of the genus).

Type locality: “Mexico, Cordova, Tuxtla, Jalapa; Guatemala, Paso Antonio; Nicaragua, Chontales; Panama. - South Brazil; Amazons; Antilles, St. Thomas.”

  Synonym: Ataenius aspericollis Petrovitz, 1973: 178; type locality: “Brasilien, Acre, Feijó… und Paraná, Foz de Iguassu.”
  Specimens examined: 23 specimens were examined from JMEC, MNNC, UCCC.
  Distribution: CHILE (23). V Región de Valparaíso (6): Viña del Mar; Región Metropolitana (17): Colina, Colina (Las Tortolas), Colina (Ruta 5, N km 16.5), Las Condes, Las Condes (Quinchamali), Maipú (Jardin), Parque Metropolitano (Zoo), Parque Quinta Normal, Santiago, Talagante. Stebnicka (2004) also recorded this species from VIII Región del Bío-Bío.

Outside the study region, this species has been recorded from México; Central America; the West Indies; Colombia; Ecuador; Peru; Bolivia; Brazil; Paraguay; Argentina (Misiones and La Rioja) (Stebnicka 2004). We also examined specimens in the HAHC from French Guiana, Bolivia, and Argentina (Chaco).
  Temporal data: January (6), September (1), November (11), December (5).
  Diagnosis: Length 4–6 mm. Readily recognized by having 4 spinules present on the apical meso- and metatibial fringe, having a cluster of coarse punctures on each side of the metasternal disc near the base of the mesofemur, and having the ninth elytral interval coarsely punctured, with the punctures distributed evenly in 2 longitudinal lines.
  Remarks: Stebnicka (2004) included A. strigicaudus in the Ataenius strigicaudus group. It is a common and widespread species from Mexico to Argentina. Adults are frequently collected at light. Based on label data we observed, this species has been present in Chile since at least 1959.
Stebnicka, Z.T. (2004) The New World species of Ataenius Harold, 1867. IV. Revision of the A. strigicauda-group (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Eupariini). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 47(3–4), 211–228.
  Excerpt from:
Smith, A. B. T. and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa 1458: 1-80.

Authors: Andrew Smith ( Canadian Museum of Nature) and
Paul Skelley (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services).
This website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0342189.
Generated on: 02/NOV/07.....Last modified: 02/NOV/07

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