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Arctodium discolor (Erichson, 1835)
Arctodium discolor (Erichson 1835:269) (valid name).
Cratoscelis discolor Erichson 1835:269 (original combination).

Figure 9c. Caudal (i) and lateral (ii) views of parameres
of Arctodium discolor.
Map of central Chile showing distribution of Arctodium discolor
and A. planum.




Description. Male. Length 7.0-9.5 mm; width 4.5-6.4 mm. Color: Head, pronotum, scutellum and pygidium black; venter and legs black (dark red to reddish black under microscope); elytra reddish brown. Head: Surface punctate; punctures small, dense, setose; setae long, moderately dense to dense, orange to black. Labrum with surface punctate; punctures
small, dense, setose; setae short to moderately long, half as long as clypeal setae, dense, black. Mandibular external surface with short to moderately long, dense, black setae.
Maxillary palpi with short, black, apical setae on all segments except last. Labial margins with moderately long, dense, black setae. Labial palpi with short, black, setae at apex of all
segments except last. Eye canthus setose; setae long, dense, black. Antenna with pedicel setose, elongate, segment 2 globular, 3-6 subequal in length, 7-9 lamellate; club shorter
than to subequal in length to segments 3-6. Pronotum: Surface punctate; punctures small, moderately dense, with long, dense, bright orange setae. Anterior margin setose; setae short, dense, golden yellow to orange. Lateral margins setose; setae long, dense, white. Posterior margin setose; setae short to moderately long, dense, orange. Scutellum: Surface setose; setae moderately long, moderately dense, orange. Elytron: Form wide, half as wide as long. Surface depressed posteriorly, setosely punctate; punctures small, moderately dense medially, dense laterally, with short, black setae around margins, long orange setae elsewhere. Propygidium: Surface exposed, covered with long, dense, white setae; setae overlaying basal 1/5 of pygidium (covered by elytra in some specimens), apices of setae forming straight row. Pygidium: Surface slightly concave apically, setose; setae long, dense, black. Venter: Thorax, mes- and metepisternum
punctate; punctures small, dense, with black setae. Abdominal segments densely setose on lateral margin, sparsely setose medially; setae long, black. Legs: Surface setose; setae long, dense, black. Protibia slender, with 3 outer teeth and 2 inner teeth. Protibial spur small, 3/4 length of first tarsal segment. Metafemur broadly expanded. Metatibial apex with 2 spurs, 1 spine; spine between 2 spurs, longer than spurs, oblique at apex. Parameres: Fig. 9c.

Female. Females differ from males in the following respects: length 7.9-9.0 mm; width 4.4-5.5 mm. Elytron: Form moderately wide, less than half as wide as long. Surface
convex, not depressed posteriorly. Legs: Metafemur slightly expanded. Metatibial apex with 1 spine; spine short, shorter than adjacent spurs, broadly attenuate at apex.
  Diagnosis. Arctodium discolor is most similar to A. vulpinum. Arctodium discolor has brown elytra, black legs (dark red to reddish black under microscope) with black setae, and bright
orange setae on the elytra and pronotum. Arctodium vulpinum has variable color of the elytra, legs, and setae but is not as in A. discolor. Arctodium discolor is also characterized by a square-like body form due to the elytra which are as wide as long when measured at the widest and longest points. Arctodium vulpinum is more elongate because its elytra are
longer than wide.
  Distribution. Central Chile in Region VIII (Biobío) and Region IX (La Araucania) (see map).
  Locality data. 164 specimens were examined from CASC, CMNC, CNCI, FMNH, HAHC, JMEC, MNHN, MNNC, UCCC, UMRM, USNM, VMDC, ZMHB.

CHILE. REGION VIII (BIOBO) (93): Caete (4), Contulmo (76), Lanalhue (1), Nahuelbuta (2), Rio Cayucupil (10). REGION IX (LA ARAUCANIA) (61): Palo Botado (60), Puren (1). NO DATA (10).
  Temporal data
January (29), February (112), December (21).
  Remarks. For reasons unknown to me, very few females have been collected relative to males. Of the 163 specimens of A. discolor examined, only 6 were females.
  Excerpt from:
Hawkins, S. J. 2006. A revision of the Chilean tribe Lichniini Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). Zootoaxa 1266:1-63.

Author: Shauna Hawkins
This website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0342189.
Generated on: 15/NOV/08.....Last modified: 15/NOV/08

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