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Scarabaeoidea of Southern South America Links
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. Aphodius (Calamosternus) granarius (Linnaeus, 1767) |

Aphodius (Calamosternus) granarius (Linnaeus). Male.
Photo by Paul Skelley. |
Aphodius (Calamosternus) granarius (Linnaeus). Female.
Photo by Paul Skelley. |
Aphodius (Calamosternus) granarius distributional records
from southern South America. |
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Original combination: Scarabaeus granarius Linnaeus, 1767: 547; type locality: “Europa.” |
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Synonyms: Scarabaeus quadrituberculatus Fabricius, 1798: 23; type locality: “America.”
Aphodius niger Creutzer, 1799: 20; type locality: Wien.
Aphodius carbonarius Sturm, 1805: 128; type locality: Deutschland.
Aphodius haemorrhous Stephens, 1830: 196; type locality:“Suffolk, and within the metropolitan district”(Britain).
Aphodius lucens Stephens, 1830: 196; type locality: “within.the metropolitan district, and in Norfolk”
Aphodius emarginatus Stephens, 1830: 198; type locality: “near London.”
Aphodius melanopus Stephens, 1830: 198; type locality: “throughout the metropolitan district; also in Suffolk and Norfolk” (Britain).
Aphodius elongatus Ménétries, 1832: 182; type locality: “Bakou.”
Aphodius retusus Waltl, 1835: 67; type locality: Spain.
Aphodius suturalis Faldermann, 1835: 259; type locality: “Persico-Armeniaca.”
Aphodius concolor Mulsant, 1842: 199; type locality: “France.”
Aphodius cribratus Mulsant, 1842: 199; type locality: “France.”
Aphodius moestus Mulsant, 1842: 199; type locality: “France.”
Aphodius parcepunctatus Mulsant, 1842: 199; type locality:“France.”
Aphodius rugosulus Mulsant, 1842: 199; type locality: “France.”
Aphodius aterrimus Melsheimer, 1846: 136; type locality: “Maryland” (United States).
Aphodius adelaidae Hope, 1847: 284; type locality: “New Holland.”
Aphodius metallicus Haldeman, 1848: 105; type locality: “Maryland.”
Aphodius spretus Haldeman, 1848: 106; type locality: “MiddleStates” (U.S.A.).
Aphodius hypocrita Mulsant and Rey, 1870: 449 (Mulsant and Rey 1870b); type locality: “France.”
Aphodius vagus Marseul, 1878: 56; type locality: Batna, Algeria.
Aphodius basilaris Dalla Torre, 1879: 107; type locality: Linz, Austria.
Aphodius thoracicus Dalla Torre, 1879: 107; type locality: “Oberösterreich” (Austria).
Aphodius apicalis Ragusa, 1883: 290; type locality: Caronie, Sicilia, Italy.
Aphodius inutilis Horn, 1887: 50; type locality: “San Francisco, Cal., and in Oregon.”
Aphodius brunnescens Reitter, 1892: 51; type locality: “Araxes und Syrien.”
Aphodius fusculus Bouskell, 1901: 19; type locality: Dover, Great Britain.
Aphodius ragusanus Reitter, 1906: 718 (Heyden et al. 1906); type locality: Sicily.
Aphodius nama Kolbe, 1908: 126; type locality: South Africa.
Aphodius signatus Schmidt, 1916: 99; type locality: “Oberösterreich” (Austria).
Aphodius pirinensis Balthasar, 1946: 62; type locality: “Bulgaria (Macedonia), Montes Pirin.”
Aphodius tilgranicus Nakane, 1966: 232; type locality: Afghanistan. |
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Specimens examined: 107 specimens were examined from ABTS, CMNC, CNCI, HAHC, JMEC,
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Distribution: ARGENTINA (6): Neuquén (1): Embalse Ezequiel Ramos Mexia; Río Negro (2): Bariloche,
Coronel Gómez; Chubut (3): El Turbio, Pico Salamanca.
CHILE (101). IV Región de Coquimbo (1): Corral de Julio; V Región de Valparaíso (20): Cuesta El
Melón, Portillo; Región Metropolitana (21): Alhué (Alto Cantillana), Cerro El Roble, Maipú (La Rinconada),
Lagunillas, Ñuñoa, Rangue, Santiago, Santiago (El Canelo); VI Región de O’Higgins (3): R. N. Río Cipreses;
VIII Región del Bío-Bío (1): Las Trancas; IX Región de la Araucanía (2): El Molco, Ercilla; X Región de Los Lagos (50): Antillanca, Isla Teja, La Unión (36 km W), Maullín junction (5 km N), Osorno (15 km S), Terao
(5 km NW), Valdivia; No Data (3).
Schmidt (1931) also recorded this species from Isla Juan Fernández.
Outside the study area, this cosmopolitan species has been recorded from the Palaearctic; Africa; Asia;
Australia; New Zealand; North America; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and III Región de Atacama, Chile (Stebnicka
and Howden 1995, Stebnicka 2001, Löbl and Smetana 2006). |
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Temporal data: February (1), May (1), August (1), September (13), October (56), November (28),
December (1). |
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Diagnosis: Length 4–6 mm. See subgenus diagnosis. A highly variable species as indicated by the
large synonymy. Males have broad pronotum and smoother clypeus; females have narrower pronotum and
rugose clypeus. |
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Remarks: Aphodius granarius is a widespread, introduced species throughout the world, although it
appears to become readily established in more temperate regions. It is common wherever cows and other
European farm animals are found. Harold (1868) first reported this species in Chile. |
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Harold, E. (1868) Die chilenischen Aphodiden. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift, 11, 278–282. [Dated 1867].
Löbl, I. & Smetana, A. (eds.) (2006) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea –
Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup. 690 pp.
Schmidt, A. (1931) Coleoptera-Scarabaeidae-Aphodiinae von Juan Fernandez, p. 638. In: Skottsberg, C. (ed.) The Natural History of
Juan Fernandez and Easter Island, volume 3, Zoology. Almquist and Wiksells, Upsalla. 688 pp.
Stebnicka, Z.T. (2001) Aphodiinae (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Fauna of New Zealand, 42, 1–59.
Stebnicka, Z.T. & Howden, H.F. (1995) Revision of Australian genera in the tribes Aphodiini, Aegialiini and Proctophanini
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Invertebrate Taxonomy, 9, 709–766.
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Excerpt from:
Smith, A. B. T. and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa 1458: 1-80. |