Nebraska Dragonflies and Damselflies |
Spreadwing Damselflies | ||||||
Lestidae Family |
| As thecommon name suggests, all spreadwing species perch with the wings half spread. Someother species, particularly young individuals, may occasionallyperch with wings half spread and in cold or rainy weatherspreadwings may fold their wings over the back like other damselflies.Although it is possible to confuse spreadwings with pond damsels, they are allsomewhat to much larger and subdued in color - no bright blues orblacks. | Great Spreadwing female |
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing pair | There are eight Nebraska Spreadwing species. The only member of the Archilestes genus is the Great Spreadwing. The other seven Spreadwings are in the Lestes genus. AllLestes are smaller and mostly earlier than Archilestes. |
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Citation: Paseka, J. M. 2021. Nebraska dragonflies and damselflies. URL