Classification |
Sphaenognathus feisthamelii (Guérin-Méneville, 1838).
Chiasognathus feisthamelii Guérin-Méneville, 1828: 287. (orig. comb.)
syn. S. circumflexus Parry, 1874: 367
syn. S. canaliculatus Parry, 1874: 368
syn. S. boileaui Lacroix, 1969: 587
syn. S. villiersi Lacroix, 1969: 589
syn. S. subtilis Lacroix, 1987: 13

S. feisthamelii, male.
Photo by M.J. Paulsen |
S. feisthamelii. |
Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador (Napo), Venezuela.
Chalumeau, F., and B. Brochier. 2007. Chiasognathinae [Chiasognathini] of the Andes. Taita Publishers. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. 324 pp.
Bartolozzi, L., H.E. Bomans, and G. Onore. 1992. Contributo alla conoscenza dei Lucanidae dell'Ecuador (Insecta, Coleoptera). Frustula Entomologica, Nuova Serie 14(27): 143-246.
According to Chalumeau and Brochier (2007), this species is restricted to the northern Andes. Bartolozzi et al. (1992) included S. giganteus as a synonym of this species, but that species was recognized as valid by Chalumeau and Brochier (2007).
Author: M.
J. Paulsen
Generated on: 24/APR/2008
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology