Classification |
Metadorcus Parry, 1870
.....Metadorcus Parry, 1870: 88 (orig. cit.)
.....Colocephalaria Deyrolle, 1929: 88 (synonym)

M. rotundatus (Parry), male.
Photo by M.J. Paulsen |
Approximate distribution
Metadorcus species. |
Distribution: Neotropical South America: Brazil; Bolivia to Ecuador.
Revision or
Luederwaldt, H., 1935. Monographia dos lucanideos brasileiros. Revista do Museu Paulista. 19: 447-574 + 4 plates.
Weinreich, E. 1960. Revision südamerikanischer Lucanidae (Ins. Col.), II. Die Gattungen Charagmophorus, Metadorcus, Scortizus, Apterodorcus, Beneshius, Sclerostomus und Pycnosiphorus. Senckenbergiana Biologica 41: 41-95.
Weinreich, E. 1963. Revision südamerikanischer Lucanidae (Ins. Col.), III. Die Gattungen Pholidotus, Aegognathus, Macrocrates, Auxicerus, und Ergänzenden zu Metadorcus, Scortizus, Beneshius, und Sclerostomus. Senckenbergiana Biologica 44: 183-212.
The only recognizable member of the genus is M. rotundatus. The species Platycerus ebeninus Deyrolle is dubious. Described from Brazil, the holotype at the Paris collection has been lost since the 1970s. For this reason it is impossible to attribute to a known species. The original illustration does not resemble any known species of Brazilian stag beetle.
Composition: 2 species.
profiles: (pages under construction)
M. ebeninus (Deyrolle)
M. rotundatus (Parry)
Author: M.
J. Paulsen
Generated on: 16/DEC/2006
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology