Classification |
........Platyceroides keeni (Casey, 1895) |
Platycerus keeni Casey 1895: 153. (orig. comb.)
Platycerus pedicellaris Möllenkamp, 1912: 302 (synonym)
........P. keeni (Casey), male (left) and female (right).
by M.J. Paulsen |
of P. keeni.
Paulsen, MJ. 2017. Correction of existing generic and species concepts in Platyceroidini (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae) and the description of four new species of Platyceroides Benesh. 4269 (3): 346-378.
Benesh, B. 1946. A systematic revision of the Holarctic genus Platycerus Geoffroy (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 63: 139-203. [known from Massett, BC; Moclips and Seaview, WA; Cannon Beach, Gearhart, Neskowin, Taft, and Waldport, OR; Arcata, CA].
Van Dyke, E.C. 1928. Notes and descriptions of new species of Lucanidae and Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from western North America. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 4: 105-113.
This species is found in spring (March - May) under driftwood along the Pacific coast from the Queen Charlotte Is., BC, to Humboldt Bay, CA. Benesh (1946) reported that both sexes are flightless. The species was formerly treated as comprising a monotypic genus based on automorphies related to male flightlessness. Paulsen (2017) transferred PlatyceropsisBenesh to subgeneric status within Platyceroidesbased on its close relationship to P. laticollis that renders its monotypic status unsupportable.
Author: M.
J. Paulsen
Generated on: 20/DEC/2006. Updated 15/JUN/2017.
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology