Classification |
elaphus Fabricius,1775 |
L. elaphus Fabricius, 1775: 2. (orig. comb.)
L. carlengi Angell, 1916: 70..(synonym)

elaphus, male.
by M.J. Paulsen |
elaphus, female.
by M.J. Paulsen |
of L. elaphus. |
Distribution: |
B.C. and J. Christen. 2002. Lucanus elaphus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) discovered
in Nebraska, with brief notes on its biology and identification. Entomological
News 113: 68-70. |
Riley, E. G. and C. S. Wolfe. 2003. An annotated checklist of the Scarabaeoidea of Texas. Southwestern Entomologist, Supplement, no. 26. 37 pp. |
C.L. 1999. Distribution of Lucanus elaphus Linnaeus (sic) Coleoptera:Lucanidae)
in North America. Coleopterists Bulletin 55: 397-404.
Author: M.
J. Paulsen
Generated on: 13/SEP/2006
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology