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Parataenius simulator (Harold, 1868)
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Parataenius simulator (Harold)
Photo by Paul Skelley.
Parataenius simulator distributional records from southern South America.
  Original combination: Ataenius simulator Harold, 1868b: 85.
  Type locality: “Mendoza.”
  Synonyms: Psammodius schwarzi Linell, 1896: 721; type locality: “Jacksonville, Florida.” Parataenius granuliceps Petrovitz, 1971: 102; type locality: “N. S. W., Sidney.” Ataenius lusitanicus Paulian, 1979: 66; type locality: “Portugal, Fos de Neiva, Minho.”
  Type specimens: Ataenius simulator lectotype at MNHN examined. Labeled: “Ataenius / simulator / Harold” (handwritten), “Ex-Musaeo E.Harold” (typeface), “LECTOTYPE / Ataenius / simulator Harold / Cartwright ‘70” (red typeface and black handwritten), “Southern Neotropical Scarabs / database # AS2598922 / Parataenius simulator (Harold, / 1868) / DET: P.E.SKELLEY 2005” (typeface). Lectotype designated by Cartwright (1973).
  Specimens examined: 74 specimens were examined from ABTS, CNCI, FMNH, HAHC, MEUC, PESC, UCCC.
  Distribution: ARGENTINA (30): Neuquén (25): Chos Malal, Piedra del Aguila, Plaza Huincul, Punta Sierra, Sa. Vaca Muerta, Senillosa; Río Negro (5): Julian Romero, La Marque. CHILE (44). Región Metropolitana (2): Cuesta Chacabuco; VII Región del Maule (23): Cordillera Parral (Hacienda San Manuel), Linares (Barros), Talca (20 km S), Talca (vicinity); VIII Región del Bío-Bío (17): Chillán, Chillán (8 km E), Concepción, Cordillera Chillán (Recinto), Rafael, San Carlos (Río Ñuble); X Región de Los Lagos (2): Los Pellines.

Outside the study area, this species has been recorded from the Nearctic; the Palaearctic; Australia; Bolivia; Brazil; Uruguay; Argentina (San Luis, La Rioja, Mendoza) (Bruch 1911, Chalumeau 1992). We also examined specimens in the HAHC from Venezuela; Argentina: Buenos Aires, Chaco, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, La Rioja, Salta, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán
  Temporal data: January (23), February (5), April (2), August (1), October (15), November (6), December (18).
  Diagnosis: Length 4–5 mm. Along with the characters mentioned in the generic diagnosis, P. simulator can also be recognized by the pronotal puncture pattern, where coarse punctures are restricted to the lateral and posterior portions of the disc. The elytra are normally punctured with fine, widely spaced punctures.
  Remarks: Parataenius simulator has been found nearly worldwide and is the most widely distributed species of the genus in the New World. Adults are commonly collected at lights, and it is suspected of being a detritivore. Its true habits are unknown, but its psammodiform body and distribution suggests an association
with sandy soils. Parataenius derbesis is another species in this genus that may eventually be discovered in the study region on the Argentinean side. It is readily distinguished from Parataenius simulator by having the pronotal punctures more evenly distributed, and the elytra interval punctures are dense and restricted a central area.

Bruch, C. (1911) Catálogo Sistemático de los Coleópteros de la República Argentina. Pars IV. Familias Lucanidae, Scarabaeidae
(Coprini-Cetonini), Passalidae. Revista del Museo de La Plata, 17, 181–225.

Chalumeau, F. (1992) Eupariini du nouveau monde: un mise au point (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) (1re partie). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie, 9(3), 189–206.

  Excerpt from:
Smith, A. B. T. and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa 1458: 1-80.

Authors: Andrew Smith ( Canadian Museum of Nature) and
Paul Skelley (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services).
This website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0342189.
Generated on: 09/NOV/07.....Last modified: 09/NOV/07

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