Oxyataenius Dellacasa and Stebnicka 2001
Oxyataenius Dellacasa and Stebnicka 2001: 29-34.
not available
at this time |
Classification |
Type species. Oxyomus morosus Harold 1969: 100, by original designation.
Diagnosis. Body length 5.0 mm, elongate, oval, black, entirely setose. Head transverse, almost flat. Pronotum not explanate. Scutellum small, with 2 longitudinal punctate grooves. Elytral intervals tectiform, setose, microtreticulate; with preapical umbone. Meso- and metatibia slightly expanded, lacking apical accessory spine. |
Distribution. Chile. |
Composition. Oxyataenius contains a single species.
Oxyataenius morosus (Harold 1869: 100) [Oxyomus], Chile. |
Life History. Unknown. |
Larvae. Unknown. |
Dellacasa, M. and Z. T. Stebnicka. 2001. A new genus for Oxyomus morosus Harold, 1869 (Eupariini) and redefinition of Oxyomus setosopunctatus A. Schmidt, 1911 (Aphodiini) (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Acta Zoologica Mexicana 83: 29-34.
Smith, A. B. T., and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa 1458: 1-80. [http://unsm-ento.unl.edu/platycoeliams.htm]
Author: Paul Skelley
Generated on: 08/JAN/08.....Last
modified: 08/JAN/08
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology |