Nebraska Dragonflies and Damselflies

Plains Emerald

Somatochlora ensigera

Martin, 1907

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The Plains Emerald is dark overall, but has bright yellow side spots on the thorax, a yellow face and bright green eyes. The abdomen of the male is dark without any obvious markings, but the female's abdomen has yellow side stripes. They feed in sunny openings above creeks.

This Midwestern species has scattered records from Ohio intoWyoming and is rare in Nebraska. It seems to prefer, small, clear, sandy, flowing streams through prairie habitat, and all Nebraska records are from northwestern counties.

Plains Emerald
Plains Emerald male
Plains Emerald map

Green indicates accepted county record (specimen or photograph).
Yellow indicates sight record only.

Size: 48-51 mm (1.9-2.0 in)

Habitat: streams and ditches

Great Plains Range: NE, SD, ND, CO, WY, IA

Flight season: mid July to mid August

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