Zdzislawa Teresa Stebnicka 1932-2012

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Teresa Stebnicka at the Canadian Museum of Nature, June 2000.
Photo by François Génier.


Zdzislawa Teresa Stebnicka, doctor of natural sciences, specialized in the taxonomy, comparative morphology, biogeography, and phylogeny of the Coleoptera of Poland and Aphodiinae Scarabaeoidea of the world. Her published papers dealt with the fauna of the Palaearctic, Oriental,
Australian, Nearctic, and Neotropical Regions. Teresa was a prolific author and contributed to more than 110 scientific papers and books covering a broad field, including systematics, comparative morphology, biogeography and evolution of the Aphodiinae and other Coleoptera.

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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology