Yakup Senyüz

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Yakup Senyüz
Front of the Zeus Temple at Aizoni
in the Kutayha, Turkey.


Yakup Senyüz is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Science and Technology at the Dumlupinar University in Kutahya, Turkey, where he is also Research assistant in the Biology Department. He is currently working on dung beetle (Scarabaeinae) systematics, biology and ecology in the middle west Anatolian Region of Turkey. He is eager to cooperate with other specialist studying scarabs.

Dumlupinar University
Science and Art Faculty
Department of Biology
Kutahya 43100

TEL: + 90 274 2652051 / 4358
FAX: + 90 274 2652066
EMAIL: yakupsenyuz@dumlupinar.edu.tr

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Site generated on: 01/JAN/1998
This website is continuously updated
University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology