Ugo Bosia

Ugo Bosia

Ugo Bosia with part of his collection at his home in Canelli, Italy, May 2013.


Ugo Bosia is an amateur entomologist who is interested in Dynastinae.
He is a member of an Italian association called "Bioforest" (, aiming at conserving rainforests and campaigning to awaken public opinion to environmental problems. They are currently supporting projects in Italy, Ecuador (Otonga Foundation), Brazil and Africa. He also collaborates with the Civic Museum of Natural History in Carmagnola (Turin, Italy). He is often invited to give lessons at junior high schools and agricultural colleges in order to improve students' knowledge of insects and their role in ecosystems.


Ugo Bosia
Via Garibaldi 4
14053 Canelli (AT)




H.J. Gasca-Álvarez & U. Bosia. 2020. Scarab beetle Cyclocephala panthera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Cyclocephalini): redescription and the first record from Colombia. Zoosystematica Rossica 29(2): 165–171.

Dupuis F. & Bosia U. 2016. Note synonymique (Coleoptera, Dynastidae, Cyclocephalini). In: TOUROULT J. (coord.),Contibution à l’étude des coléoptères de Guyane. Tome X. Supplément au Bulletin de liason d’ACOREP-France Le Coléoptèriste” 10: 84-85.

Bosia, U. 2013. A remarkable case of gynandromorphy in Megaceras crassum Prell, 1914 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae). Lambillionea 113: 25-26.

Bosia, U. & Milani, L. 2023. Note sul genere Cryptodus W. S. Macleay con descrizione di Cryptodus gioliveri sp. nov. dalla Papua Occidentale, Indonesia Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 16(68):549-558.

Milani, L. & Bosia, U. 2024. Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Golofa Hope, 1837 con descrizione di Golofa gianassoi sp. nov. dalla Bolivia. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 17(69):1-14.


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Site generated on: 01/JAN/1998
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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology