Rudolph Lenczy    ?-1984


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Rudolph Lenczy and his wife.
Photo courtesy of Andrei Lobanov



Dr. Lenczy was a native of Hungary who also lived and practiced medicine in the Cameroons and New York. He retired to Green Valley, Arizona where he continued his extensive amateur interest in scarabs. His home was fabulously decorated with native artifacts and preserved animals that he encountered while living in equatorial Africa, and he was particularly proud of his small swimming pool in his back yard. He had an extensive correspondence and collection of well-curated beetles (ca 175,000 specimens) that went to the the Smithsonian Institution after his death.


Ritcher, P. O. 1984. Obituary. Rudolph Lenczy. Coleoptersits Bulletin 38: 312.


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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology