Ping Lin
Ping Lin is a Rutelinae specialist who worked at the Guangdong Entomological Institute, People's Republic of China. Before his retirement, he had discovered 2 new genera and 96 new species of Rutelinae. During his research, he accumulated large numbers of specimens, including many holotypes. He discussed the taxonomic problems of the Anomala hirsutula species group, Anomala cupripes species group, and Anomala semicastanea species group from China. He also conducted a taxonomic study of the genus Callistopopillia in China. His two monographs, The Popillia of China (Coleoptera, Rutelidae) and The Mimela of China (Coleoptera, Rutelidae), are the most integrated classification and identification monographs of Rutelinae in China. He also participated in the writing of many faunistic books, such as Fauna Sinica Insecta, The Insects of Xizang, and The Forest insects of Hainan.