László Ádám


László Ádám


László Ádám was born on 27 January 1957 at Hajdúnánás, Hungary. He was interested in entomology as a schoolboy, and at the age of  18 he gained employment in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, where he served until 1996. He participated in numerous museum projects, focusing on faunistic researches in national parks and forestry and nature  reserves. In his private capacity, he also took part in a number of collecting trips in Hungary and other countries, such as Romania (Transylvania), Croatia, Serbia (Vajdaság), Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. Although Scarabaeoidea was his main interest, he expanded his coleopterological research to other beetle families as well, namely Dytiscidae, Haliplidae, Gyrinidae, and Staphylinidae of the Carpathian Basin. Since 1997 he continued his entomological work privately. He has authored and co-authored 75 entomological works and described a number of new taxa. He was a member of the Hungarian Entomological Society (1978- 1987).  Articles dealing with the Scarabaeoidea are listed below. He has no private collection, his types and the material he worked on are chiefly in the Hungarian Natural History Museum’s Coleoptera Collection.


László Ádám

Aranyvirág sétány 7/1 

1098 Budapest,


Ádám, L. (1979a): Lamellicornia (Coleoptera) from Tunisia. Folia ent. hung. 32: 5–10.

Ádám, L. (1979c): A Kárpát-medence Lamellicornia-faunájának revíziója I. Lucanidae (Coleoptera) [The revision of the Lamellicornia fauna of the Carpathian Basin I. Lucanidae (Coleoptera)]. Folia ent. hung. 32: 213–215.

Ádám, L. (1979d): Eine neue Aphodius-Art aus Südanatolien (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Folia ent. hung. 32: 5–7.

Ádám, L. (1980a): A Kárpát-medence Lamellicornia-faunájának revíziója, II. Scarabaeidae: Ochodaeinae, Aegialiinae, Orphninae, Hybosorinae, Geotrupinae (Coleoptera) [Revision of the Lamellicornian fauna of the Carpathian Basin, II. Scarabaeidae: Ochodaeinae, Aegialiinae, Orphninae, Hybosorinae, Geotrupinae (Coleoptera)]. Folia ent. hung. 41: 187–190.

Ádám, L. (1980b): Lamellicornia aus Nesten von Vögeln und Säugetieren (Coleoptera). Folia ent. hung. 41: 17–19.

Ádám, L., Draskovits, Á., Gozmány, L., Mahunka, S., Papp, L., Vásárhelyi, T. and Vojnits, A. (1980): Strukturzönologische und populationsdynamische Untersuchungen an einem ungarischen Eichenwald-Ökosystem. Acta Musei Reginaehradecensis S. A Supplementum: 156–157.

Ádám, L., Merkl, O. and Vásárhelyi, T. (1981): Bartók Béla rovargy?jteménye [The insect collection of Béla Bartók]. Folia ent. hung. 42: 273–274.

Ádám, L. (1981b): Lamellicornia (Coleoptera) of the Hortobágy National Park. In: Mahunka, S. (ed.): The Fauna of the Hortobágy National Park, I. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 151–158.

Ádám, L. (1983a): Eine neue Biralus Art aus Tunesien (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Folia ent. hung. 44: 25–28.

Ádám, L. (1984): Leptodiridae and Kolonidae of the Hortobágy National Park (Coleoptera). Folia ent. hung. 45: 25–26.

Mészáros, Z., Ádám, L., Balázs, K., Benedek, I., Draskovits, Á., Kozár, F., L?vei, G., Mahunka, S., Meszleny, A., Mihályi, K., Nagy, L., Papp, J., Papp, L., Polgár, L., Rácz, V., Ronkay, L., Soós, Á., Szabó, S., Szabóky, Cs., Szalay-Marzsó, L., Szarukán, I., Szelényi, G. and Szentkirályi, F. (1984): Results of Faunistical Studies in Hungarian Maize Stands (Maize Ecosystem Research No. 16). Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 65–90.

Mészáros, Z., Ádám, L., Balázs, K., Benedek, I., Csikai, Cs., Draskovits, Á., Kozár, F., L?vei, G., Mahunka, S., Meszleny, A., Mihályi, F., Mihályi, K., Nagy, L., Oláh, B., Papp, J., Papp, L., Polgár, L., Radwan, Z., Rácz, V., Ronkay, L., Solymosi, P., Soós, Á., Szabó, S., Szabóky, Cs., Szalay-Marzsó, L., Szarukán, I., Szelényi, G., Szentkirályi, F. Sziráki, Gy., Sz?ke, L. and Török, J. (1984): Results of Faunistical and Floristical Studies in Hungarian Apple Orchards (Apple Ecosystem Research No. 26). Acta Phytopathologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19: 91–176.

Ádám, L. (1986a): Beetles (Coleoptera) inhabiting sheep droppings in dry pastures of Hungary. Folia ent. hung. 47: 5–12.

Ádám, L. (1986b): A new Psammodius (Leiopsammodius) species from Turkey (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Folia ent. hung. 47: 13–14.

Ádám, L. (1986c): Description of two new species of the genus Sphaenognathus Buquet, 1838 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Folia ent. hung. 47: 15–17.

Ádám, L. (1987e): Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of the Kiskunság National Park. In: Mahunka, S. (ed.): The Fauna of the Kiskunság National Park, II. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 208–220.

Ádám, L. (1989): A new Psammodius species from Hungary (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Folia ent. hung. 50: 5–7.

Báldi, A. and Ádám, L. (1991): Habitat selection of ground-dwelling beetles during dolomitic succession. Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. 83: 245–251.

Szél, Gy. and Ádám, L. (1992): Bogárközösségek vizsgálata dolomitgyepekben (Coleoptera) [Examinations on beetle-communities in dolomitic grasslands (Coleoptera]. Folia ent. hung. 52: 232–235.

Ádám, L. (1993a): Néhány újabb lemezescsápú bogár (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) el?fordulása a Kárpát-medencében [Occurrence of some new scarabaeid beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) in the Carpathian Basin]. Folia ent. hung. 54: 163–166.

Ádám, L. (1994a): A check-list of the Hungarian Scarabaeoidea with the description of ten new taxa (Coleoptera). Folia ent. hung. 55: 5–17.

Ádám, L. (1994d): New species of the genera Omaloplia and Acarina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Folia ent. hung. 55: 23–36.

Ádám, L. (1994e): A new species of the genus Trox (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Folia ent. hung. 55: 37–39.

Ádám, L. (1996b): Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) of the Bükk National Park. In: Mahunka, S., Zombori, L. and Ádám, L. (eds): The Fauna of the Bükk National Park, II. Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum, Budapest, pp. 299–308.

Papp, L. and Ádám, L. (1996): High insect diversity in a poor habitat (dry sheep-runs in Hungary). Folia ent. hung. 57: 171–196.

Vig, K., Merkl, O., Nagy, F., Ádám, L., Szalóki, D., Podlussány, A., Nádai, L., Dankovics, R. és Vadász, D. (2006): A kenyeri reptér – tervezett különleges természetmeg?rzési területnek jelölt terület – bogárfaunisztikai vizsgálata (Insecta: Coleoptera). Praenorica Folia historico-naturalia 9: 123–169.

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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology