John Westwood   1805-1893

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J. O. Westwood
(from Entomologists Monthly
Magazine 1893).



John Westwood was a Hope professor at Oxford University, and he worked on all insect orders. He published prolifically, and he described a number of scarabaeoids in several papers. Possibly his most important work was An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects (1839-1840), an enormous work of more than a thousand pages, in which he followed the precepts of Latreille and MacLeay. He was strongly anti-Darwinist and apparently anti-humorist as well ("a good laugh at the futility of your own efforts may stop orderly thinking"). An obituary written by McLachlan (Entomologists Monthly Magazine 29: 49-51) states "There probably never has existed, and in the present state of science, there can never again exist, one who had so much general knowledge, both from personal investigation and a study of the works of others; one who was less of a specialist in the modern acceptation of the term."


Smith, R. F., T. E. Mittler, and C. N. Smith (eds.). 1973. A History of Entomology. Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alto, CA. 517 pp.


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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology