Juan Sebastián Dueñas Cáceres


Juan Sebastián Dueñas Cáceres

  Juan Sebastián Dueñas Cáceres is Colombian but currently based in Recife, Brazil where he is a doctoral candidate at the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. He is conducting several works on the taxonomy and systematics of Lucanidae from the tropical Andes and Brazil. He works from a conservation perspective, focusing on the description of stag beetle diversity distributed among South American Biodiversity Hotspots.



Juan Sebastián Dueñas Cáceres
EMAIL: juansebastianduenascaceres@gmail.com






Juan Sebastián Dueñas Cáceres, Indiana Cristóbal Ríos-Malaver, and Paschoal C.
Grossi. 2019. Taxonomic contribution on the Andean species of Aegognathus
(Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with two new species from Colombia and Peru. Journal of
Natural History 53(35-36): 2145-2164.


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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology