Christian Ampudia


Christian Ampudia


Christian is a biologist at the Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana. His undergrated thesis was on dung beetles in white sand forest in the National Reserve Allpahuayo-Mishana (Loreto, Peru). His study concerned establishing the most effective baited pitfall trap as well as ecology, taxonomy, and diversity of dung beetles. He is now interested in the scarabaeoid diversity of lowland forests in Peru.


Christian Ampudia
Jirón Próspero 889 2do piso
Iquitos, Maynas, Loreto, PERU

TEL: 00-51-065-233038, 00-51-965781115, 00-51-965822359



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Site generated on: 01/JAN/1998
This website is continuously updated
University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology