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Little Brown Beetle
Montana State University
Bozeman, Montana
17-20 August 2003
Mary Liz Jameson and Brett Ratcliffe
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The diversity of the order Coleoptera exceeds that of any other
plant or animal group. Approximately 1 out of every 4 species
on earth is a beetle! There are currently 172 beetle families
that contain approximately 350,000 described species. In addition
to loss of taxonomic expertise in scarab beetles (which includes
about 35,000 described species), there are relatively few experts
who can identify beetle families. To address this lack of knowledge,
we sponsored a PEET-funded "Little Brown Beetle Workshop" that
was held 17-20 August at Montana State University, Bozeman
and facilitated by Dr. Michael Ivie. Ivie is a prominent beetle
systematist whose research deals with the higher classification
of Coleoptera; systematics of Cerambycidae, Bostrichidae, Colydidae,
and other small beetle families; and the beetle fauna of the
West Indies and northern Rocky Mountains.
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Workshop participants,
from the left: Katie Marske, Sardis Medrano Cabral,
Shauna Hawkins, Michael Ivie, Andrew Smith, Brett Ratcliffe,
Matt Paulsen, Mary Liz Jameson,
Federico Ocampo.
Photo by compliant third party. |
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This workshop provided participants with an appreciation for
beetle diversity and the skills necessary to identify beetle
families. The workshop focused on identification of world beetle
families, beetle classification and characters, and literature
for beetle identification and taxonomy.
Participants included members of Team Scarab (Shauna Hawkins,
Mary Liz Jameson, Federico Ocampo, Matt Paulsen, Brett Ratcliffe,
Andrew Smith) and members of Ivie's lab (Alistair Ramsdale, Katie
Marske, and Sardis Medrano Cabral).


Paulsen and Andrew Smith at the Little Brown Beetle Workshop.
Photo by Mary Liz Jameson. |
Ivie and Andrew Smith "team-identifing" a
little brown beetle.
Photo by Mary Liz Jameson....... |
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this intensive 3-day workshop, each participant had a hands-on
view of 98% of the world's beetle family diversity! Ivie's
outstanding collection of world beetle families includes
specimens of 169 beetle families (the only families that
for which specimens were not available were Jurodidae, Crowsoniellidae
and Belohinidae). The laboratory exercises included keying
beetle families using American Beetles and a key for the
up-coming and revised Field Guide to the Beetles (both written
by Ivie), comparisons of beetle taxa using Lawrence's Beetles
of the World CD, and examination of beetle taxa in order
to gain an appreciation of overall beetle diversity and adaptation.
Each 12-hour lab-day was punctuated by a profusion of snacks
cheerfully delivered by Donna Ivie. |
Brown Beetle Workshop lab at
Montana State University.
Photo by Brett Ratcliffe. |
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Federico Ocampo "exhibiting" his
team spirit at the summit
of Mt. Sacajawea.
Photo by Mary Liz Jameson. |
Shauna Hawkins and Matt Paulsen
aphodiine scarabs from marmot
dung on slopes of Mt. Sacajawea.
Photo by Mary Liz Jameson. |
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Team Scarab at the 9,700
ft. summit of Mt. Sacajawea. Left to right (standing) Shauna
Hawkins, Andrew Smith, Mary Liz Jameson, Federico Ocampo; left
to right (sitting) Brett Ratcliffe and Matt Paulsen.
Photo by compliant third party. |
Shauna Hawkins near the summit
of Mt. Sacajawea.
Photo by Mary Liz Jameson.
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a bird! It's a plane!
It's . . . not a scarab!!!!!
Matt Paulsen momentarily
diverting to ornithology
on Mt. Sacajawea.
Photo by Mary Liz Jameson. |
Runza Rex promoting Team Scarab during a
lunch stop at North Platte, Nebraska. From left: Shauna
Hawkins, Federico Ocampo, Brett Ratcliffe, Runza Rex, Mary Liz
Jameson, Matt Paulsen.
Photo by Andrew Smith. |
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Beetles of the World CD,
Ivie's web page, http://virgin.msu.montana.edu/WestIndies/Polyphaga/Scarabaeoidea/index.html |