Species of the familiar ruteline scarab beetle genus Chrysina are referred to as ‘jewel scarabs’ for their brilliant iridescent and metallic colors including green, pink, purple, blue, and even silver and gold (Cave 2000, Hawks 2002). This group of about 120 species (including several that are undescribed) is found exclusively in the New World, mostly in México and Central America (Hawks 2001).

The genera Plusiotis and Pelidnotopsis were placed into synonymy under the older name, Chrysina (Hawks 2001). This synonymic checklist of Chrysina species is arranged by species groups that represent major monophyletic clades within Chrysina based on well-supported phylogenetic relationships recovered by molecular and morphological analyses (Hawks, Babcock & Heraty, submitted). Group names are from the oldest valid taxon within the assemblage. Because taxonomic and phylogenetic research is in progress, species groupings and synonymies presented in the checklist are not necessarily complete for each taxon, and a few names listed as valid species probably warrant junior synonym status. The original checklist (Hawks 2000) has been updated with more recently described species.  
Genus CHRYSINA Kirby, 1828

Type Species: Chrysina peruviana Kirby, by monotypy.

syn. Plusiotis Burmeister, 1844: 417. Type Species: Pelidnota victorina Hope, 1840: 11, by subsequent designation (Ohaus, 1934: 61).

syn. Pelidnotopsis Ohaus, 1915: 257. Type Species: Pelidnota plusiotina Ohaus, 1912: 304, by monotypy.

syn. Plusiotina Casey, 1915: 84. Type Species: Plusiotina aeruginis Casey, 1915: 85, by subsequent designation.

Chrysina "resplendens group"

C. chalcothea (H. W. Bates, 1888)
C. cupreomarginata (F. Bates, 1904)
C. resplendens (Boucard, 1875)
C. tapantina (Morón, 1992)

Chrysina "magnistriata group"

C. beraudi (Warner, Hawks & Bruyea, 1992)
C. magnistriata (Morón, 1990)

Chrysina "adelaida group"

C. adelaida (Hope, 1840)
....ornatissima (Sturm, 1843)
....adelaidae (Nonfried, 1891)
....pavonacea (Casey, 1915)  
C. arellanoi Monzón, 2012
C. centralis (Morón, 1990)
C. citlaltepetlamayatli (Blackaller-Bages & ....Delgado,1994)
C. clavellina Monzón et al., 2020
C. difficilis (Morón, 1990)
C. hawksi Monzón, 2010
....gaellae Ebrard and Soula, 2010
    rutelidundeei Soula, 2012
C. howdenorum (Morón, 1990)
C. lecontei (Horn, 1882)ß
....aeruginis (Casey, 1915)
....subenodis (Casey, 1915)
....angusta (Casey, 1915)
....sonorica (Casey, 1915)
C. lacordairei (Boucard, 1875)
....cosijoezai Ramirez-Ponce & Curoe, 2017
C. maishei Monzón & Hawks, 2017
C. miguelangeli (Nogueira and Curoe, 2012)
C. occidentalis (Robacker & Hawks, 2022)

C. pehlkei (Ohaus, 1930)
C. plusiotina (Ohaus, 1912)
C. purpurata (Morón, 1990)
C. quetzalcoatli (Morón, 1990)
C. robackeri Hawks, 2020
C. sallaei
(Boucard, 1875)
....sallei (Nonfried, 1891)
....sallei (Morón, 1990)
C. zapoteca (Morón, 1990)

Chrysina "victorina group"

C. auropunctata (Ohaus, 1913)
C. aurofoveata (Morón, 1981)
C. moroni (Curoe & Beraud, 1994)
C. purulhensis (
Monzón & Warner, 1993)
C. spectabilis (Ratcliffe & Jameson, 1992)
C. terroni (Morón, 1990)
C. victorina (Hope, 1840)

Chrysina "peruviana group"

C. aurilisternum Perez et al. 2016 
C. beckeri
H. W. Bates, 1889
C. beyeri (Skinner, 1905)
....ampliata (Casey, 1915)
....ocularis (Casey, 1915)
C. blackalleri
Monzón & Garcia, 2011
C. brevis (Rothschild & Jordan, 1894)
C. colima (Morón, 1992)
C. confusa (Ohaus, 1913)
C. crassimargo
(Rothschild & Jordan, 1894)
C. dianae (Ratcliffe & Taylor, 1992)
C. donthomasi Monzón & Garcia, 2011
C. erubescens
H. W. Bates, 1889
C. expansa
(Ohaus, 1913)
C. gorda
(Delgado, 2003)
C. giesberti
Monzón 2010
C. intermedia
(Ohaus, 1913)
C. juxtaprasina
Hawks, 2017
C. laniventris
(Sturm, 1843)
....latipennis (Sturm, 1843)
....mniszechii (Boucard, 1875)

C. nogueirai (Morón, 1992)
C. peruviana
Kirby, 1828
....amoena (Sturm, 1843)
....aeruginosa (Sturm, 1843)
....hoegei (Boucard, 1895)

C. prasina (Boucard, 1878)
C. taylori (Morón, 1990)

Chrysina "macropus group"

C. adolphi Chevrolat, 1859
C. alexae
Monzón, 2017
C. baileyana
Monzón 2010
C. cavei
Hawks & Bruyea, 1999
C. cusuquensis (Curoe, 1994)
C. halffteri
(Morón, 1990)
C. karschi
(Nonfried, 1891)
C. macropus
(Francillon, 1795)
....macropus (Gyllenhal, 1817)
....mexicana Gray, 1832
....henrybatesi Hawks, 2001
C. modesta (Sturm, 1843)
....aenigmatica (Morón, 1990)
C. prototelica (Morón & Howden, 1992)
C. triumphalis
Morón, 1990
C. woodruffi Monzón, 2017

Chrysina "marginata group"

C. bruyeai (Hawks, 1999)
C. clypealis (Rothschild & Jordan, 1894)
C. diversa (Ohaus, 1912)
C. falcifera Hawks, 2017
C. marginata
(Waterhouse, 1871)
C. ofidiodontophallica Curoe, 2011 
C. ratcliffei (Morón, 1990)
C. sirenicola
(Solís & Morón, 1995)

Chrysina "optima group"

C. optima (H. W. Bates, 1888)
....melior (Rothschild & Jordan, 1894)
C. tricolor (Ohaus, 1922)
C. valentini Zubov & Ivshin 2019 

Chrysina "quiche group"

C. benesi Pokorný & Curoe, 2012
C. chimalapensis Mora-Aguilar et al., 2018
C. quiche (Morón, 1990)
C. tecunumani (Cano & Morón, 1995)

Chrysina "rodriguezi group"

C. rodriguezi (Boucard, 1878)
C. schusteri (Monzon, Cano & Bailey, 1999)

Chrysina "auripes group"

C. alphabarrerai (Morón, 1981)
C. auripes Gray, 1832
....auripes (Hope, 1840)
....chalchihuitli (Morón, 1990)
C. costata (Blanchard, 1850)
C. misteca (Morón, 1990)

C. paulseni Hawks, 2017
....neotenochca Morón & Nogueira, 2017

"flohri group"

C. flohri (Ohaus, 1905)
C. xalixteca (Morón, 1992)

Chrysina "boucardi group"

C. boucardi (Sallé, 1878)
....magnifica (Arrow, 1919)
C. cunninghami (Curoe, 1999)

Chrysina "batesi group"

C. batesi (Boucard, 1875)
C. curoei (Warner, LeBlanc, Hawks & Bruyea, 1992)

C. guaymi (Curoe, 2001)
C. ohausi (Franz, 1928) 

Chrysina "badeni group"

C. alfredolaui (Hawks, 1995)
C. badeni
(Boucard, 1878)
C. turckheimi (Ohaus, 1913)

Chrysina "chrysargyrea group"

C. aurigans (Rothschild & Jordan, 1894)
....keithi (Linell, 1895)
C. chrysargyrea
(Sallé, 1874)
C. ericsmithi
Monzón & Cano, 1999
C. limbata
(Rothschild & Jordan, 1894)
C. pastori (Curoe, 1994)
C. porioni Monzón & Hawks, 2020                
C. strasseni (Ohaus, 1924)

Chrysina "psittacina group"

C. gloriosa (Leconte, 1854)
C. psittacina
(Sturm, 1843)
....laeta (Sturm, 1843)
C. woodi (Horn, 1885)

Chrysina "aurora group"

C. argenteola (H. W. Bates, 1888)
....wolfi (Ohaus, 1912)
C. aurora
(Boucard, 1875)
C. chrysopedila (H. W. Bates, 1888)
C. chloreis (H. W. Bates, 1888)
C. dzidorhum
(Arnaud, 1994)
C. eyai
Curoe, 2012
C. gaitalica
Curoe & Hawks, 2012
C. luteomarginata
(Ohaus, 1913)

Chrysina "orizabae group"

C. antonkozlovi Monzón, 2017
C. orizabae
(H. W. Bates, 1889)
....alticola (H. W. Bates, 1889)
C. pricei Hawks, 2020
C. sagacita Hawks, 2017

Chrysina "guatemalensis group"

C. guatemalensis (Monzon, Cano & Bailey, 1999)

Chrysina "veraguana group"

C. galbina Hawks, 2017
C. mercedesae Barria, 2022
C. veraguana (Ohaus, 1922)

Chrysina incertae sedis

C. amalia (Burmeister, 1844) 
C. oreicola
(Morón, 1992)
C. transvolcanica (Morón & Nogueira, 2016)



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