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  ........Megaceras Hope, 1837
Megaceras Hope 1837: 82.

Megaceras septentrionis

Family ...........
Subfamily ......
Tribe ..............
Dynastinae Taxa Map
Dynastinae Key
Oryctini Key

Distribution: All of the species occur in South America, and two of them extend northward into Central America.


Composition: The genus Megaceras is comprised of 13 species (Endrödi 1985a).


Diagnosis: Species of Megaceras are characterized by tridentate protibiae, frons with a single horn in the males or a single tubercle in the females, prosternal process present, smooth elytra, and mandibles distinctly bidentate and exposed.


Biological notes: Very little is known about the biology of these beetles. Adults are active at night and seem to be found primarily in areas of lowland and montane broadleaf forests. The larvae probably live in decaying logs or in the soil feeding on organic material.


Literature cited:
Endrödi, S. 1985a. The Dynastinae of the World. Dr. W. Junk Publisher, Dordrecht. 800 pp., 46 plates.

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Author: Brett Ratcliffe
Generated on:
26/MAR/2007.....Last modified: 26/MAR/2007
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology