
Mandibles with 3 long teeth. Clypeal apex broadly bidentate (space between spiniform teeth almost as wide as eye). Males with 2 forward-projecting horns on pronotum, 1 at each anterior angle.


Mandibles entire, weakly bifurcate at apex, or with 2 distinct teeth. Clypeal apex narrowly bidentate or emarginate, never with spiniform teeth. Males with single, median pronotal horn or lacking horn

2 (1).
. .
Mandibles with 2 distinct, spiniform teeth. Elytra of males
grey to greyish olive or brownish olive or yellowish
olive with black spots. Pronotum in females with short,
dense pubescence; elytra in females with longitudinal
rows of long, dense pubescence


Mandibles entire at apex or weakly notched. Elytra of males usually yellowish brown or else dark reddish brown or (rarely) black. Pronotum and elytra in females lacking dense pubescence
