........Hoplopyga Thomson, 1880 |
........Hoplopyga Thomson 1880: 268. |
Classification |
........Hoplopyga Schürhoff 1895: 28, 31. |

Hoplopyga ocellata (Gory and Percheron).
Photo: J. Orozco
Distribution of Hoplopyga. |
Distribution: Central and South America.
Composition: H. albiventris (Gory and Percheron), H. boliviensis (Moser), H. foeda (Schaum), H. gosetti Antoine, H. liturata (Olivier), H. lucidiventris (Thomson), H. lugubris (Thomson), H. marginesignata (Gory and Percheron), H. miliaris (Gory and Percheron), H. miniata (Blanchard), H. monacha (Gory and Percheron), H. multipunctata (Gory and Percheron), H. ocellata (Gory and Percheron), H. peruana Moser, H. ravida (Janson), H. rubida (Gory and Percheron), H, ruteri Antoine, H. singularis (Gory and Percheron), H. spurca (Janson),and H. suilla (Janson).
Larvae: Described for H. singularis, H. brasiliensis, and H. liturata.
ANTOINE, P. 2008. Contribution á la connaissance du genre Hoplopyga J. Thomson (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae). Coléoptères 14: 241-256.
KRAJCIK, M. 1988. Cetoniidae of the World. Catalogue-Part I. Most, Czech Republic.
MICÓ, E., W.E. HALL & B.C. RATCLIFFE. Descriptions of the larvae of Hoplopyga singularis (Gory and Percheron) and Hologymnetis cinerea (Gory and Percheron) with a revised key to the larvae of New World Gymnetini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 55: 205-217.
MORÓN, M.A. & R. ARCE. 2002. Descriptions of the immature stages of five Mexican species of Gymnetini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 104: 1036-1054.
VANIN, S.A. & C. COSTA. 1984. Larvae of Neotropical Coleoptera. IX. Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae, Gymnetini. Revista Brasileira da Entomologia 28: 329-335.
Author: Jesús Orozco
Generated on: 09/JUN/2010
University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology |