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Trichiorhyssemus Clouët 1901
Trichiorhyssemus Clouët 1901: 8.

Trichiorhyssemus riparius (Horn)
Photo by Paul Skelley.


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Type species. Rhyssemus riparius Horn 1871: 290, by subsequent designation.
              = Trichlorhyssemus Hinton 1938: 127 (misspelling)

Diagnosis. Body length 2.3-3.1 mm, elongate, reddish-brown to black, dorsal surfaces strongly alutaceous, granulate, dorsal surface with setae. Head surface granulate, frontal suture indistinct. Clypeus rounded or toothed each side of median emargination. Pronotum with 4 grooves and 5 variably developed ridges; laterally and basally with fringe of scale-like setae. Elytra elongate, base indistinctly margined on some, apparently lacking in others; intervals convex and granulate-tuberculate. Metafemur elongate. Metatibia gradually widening to apex. Metatarsi elongate; basal metataral segment not or weakly widened at apex.
Distribution. Nearly worldwide (not known from South America, Indonesia, and Australia).
Composition. Worldwide, Trichiorhyssemus contains about 20 species, 3 of which occur in the New World.

Trichiorhyssemus alternatus
Hinton 1938: 127, Mexico.
Trichiorhyssemus cristatellus (Bates 1887: 102) [Rhyssemus], El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua.
Trichiorhyssemus riparius (Horn 1871: 290) [Rhyssemus], SW-USA.
                  = Rhyssemus caelatus LeConte 1881: 77.
Life History. Adults have been collected at lights.
Larvae. Unknown.
Gordon, R. D. , and O. L. Cartwright. 1980. The Western Hemisphere species of Rhyssemus and Trichiorhyssemus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 317: 1-29.
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Author: Paul Skelley

Generated on: 09/MAY/08.....Last modified: 09/MAY/08
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology