Planolinellus Dellacasa and Dellacasa 2005
Planolinellus Dellacasa and Dellacasa 2005: 75.
Planolinellus vittatus (Say)
Photo by P. Skelley. |
Classification |
Type species. Aphodius vittatus Say 1825: 191, by original designation.
Diagnosis. Body length 3.2-4.4 mm, elongate, parallel-sided, somewhat robust, black with reddish maculations on each elytron. Head with frontal suture pronounced bearing median tubercle. Clypeus alutaceous; anterior margin narrowly semicircular. Metatibial apical spinules short, equal in length. |
Distribution. Palearctic (introduced?), North America into Mexico. |
Composition. Planolinellus contains a single species.
Planolinellus vittatus (Say 1825: 191) [Aphodius], S-Canada to Mexico and Old World.
= Aphodius mundus Reitter 1892: 199.
= Aphodius niger Cockerell 1888: 6 [not Aphodius niger Panzer
= Aphodius nigromarginatus Cockerell 1888: 6.
= Aphodius rufoplagiatus Reitter 1892: 198.
= Aphodius sellatus Mannerheim 1852: 299.
= Aphodius semiruber Motschulsky 1860: 131.
= Aphodius tjanshanicus Balthasar 1956: 70.
= Aphodius vitiosus Reitter 1892: 199.
= Aphodius vittatus cockerelli Leng 1918: 207 [replacement
name for Aphodius niger Cockerell]. |
Life History. Adults are surface dung generalists. |
Larvae. The larva of P. vittatus is described in Ritcher (1966). |
Dellacasa, M. and G. Dellacasa. 2005. Comments on some systematic and nomenclatural questions in Aphodiinae with descriptions of two new genera and on Italian taxa (Coleoptera: Aphodiidae). Memorie della Societa Entomologica Italiana 84: 45-101.
Gordon, R. D., and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A monograph of the Aphodiini inhabiting the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 79: 580 p.
Ritcher, P.O. 1966. White grubs and their allies: A study of North American scarabaeoid larvae. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Oregon. Studies in Entomology 4: 219 pp.
Author: Paul Skelley
Generated on: 01/MAY/08.....Last
modified: 01/MAY/08
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology |