Liothorax Motschulsky 1859
Liothorax Motschulsky 1859: 156.
Liothorax alternatus (Horn)
Photo by P. Skelley. |
Classification |
Type species. Scarabaeus plagiatus Linnaeus 1767: 559, by subsequent designation.
Diagnosis. Body length 3.9-6.9 mm, elongate, parallel-sided, somewhat flattened; black with elytra entirely black or variably striped with yellowish-brown. Head lacking tubercles. Clypeus lacking teeth, fringe of setae and transverse ridge. Pronotum lacking marginal fringe of setae; base with marginal line. Scutellum weakly converging toward base, often appearing triangular. Elytral humerus lacking tooth, intervals convex and distinctly punctate. Metatibial apical spinules short, equal in length. |
Distribution. Palearctic and western North America to Mexico. |
Composition. Worldwide, Liothorax contains 10 species, 5 of which occur in the New World.
Liothorax alternatus (Horn 1870: 129) [Aphodius], BC-Canada, central-W-USA, Mexico?
= Aphodius inermis Robinson 1940: 147.
= Aphodius moclipsi Hatch 1971: 457.
Liothorax consociatus (Horn 1887: 21) [Aphodius], CA-USA.
Liothorax innexus (Say 1835: 177) [Aphodius], Mexico.
= Aphodius flavocintus Harold 1860: 614.
Liothorax levatus (Schmidt 1907: 568) [Aphodius], Mexico.
= Aphodius nigroclavus Hinton 1934: 188.
Liothorax subaeneus (LeConte 1857: 41) [Aphodius], CA-USA.
= Aphodius gentneri Hatch 1971: 457.
= Aphodius perpolitus Gordon 1973: 439. |
Life History. New World species appear to prefer habitats like marshes, edges of temporary ponds, etc., with moist, organically rich soils. |
Larvae. Unknown. |
Dellacasa, M., R. D. Gordon, and G. Dellacasa. 2007. Systematic review to the genus Liothorax (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Zootaxa 1407: 23-42.
Gordon, R. D., and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A monograph of the Aphodiini inhabiting the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 79: 580 pp.
Author: Paul Skelley
Generated on: 01/MAY/08.....Last
modified: 01/MAY/08
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology |