Lechorodius Gordon and Skelley 2007
Lechorodius Gordon and Skelley 2007: 371.
Lechorodius lutulentus (Haldeman)
Photo by P. Skelley. |
Classification |
Type species. Aphodius lutulentus Haldeman 1843: 104, by original designation. |
Diagnosis. Body length 4.9-7.2 mm, elongate, weakly flattened, dark brown to black, dorsal surface dulled. Head with frontal tubercles weak, if present; clypeus angulate or toothed each side of median emargination. Head and pronotum with dense, evenly distributed, uniform sized punctures. Elytral intervals flat, dulled or distinctly alutaceous. Protibial dorsal surface impunctate; male and female protibial spurs long, surpassing apical protibial tooth, male spur longer than female spur. Metatibial apical spinules long, unequal in length. |
Distribution. Eastern North America. |
Composition. Lechorodius contains 2 species.
Lechorodius lutulentus (Haldeman 1843: 104) [Aphodius], SE-USA.
Lechorodius terminalis (Say 1823: 213) [Aphodius], E-USA, SE-Canada. |
Life History. Both species of Lechorodius appear to be winter active surface generalists. Lechorodius lutulentus prefers deer dung. |
Larvae. Unknown. |
Gordon, R. D., and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A monograph of the Aphodiini inhabiting the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 79: 580 pp.
Author: Paul Skelley
Generated on: 01/MAY/08.....Last
modified: 01/MAY/08
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology |