Dialytodius Gordon and Skelley 2007
Dialytodius Gordon and Skelley 2007: 239.
Dialytodius decipiens (Horn)
Photo by P. Skelley. |
Classification |
Type species. Aphodius decipiens Horn 1887: 28, by original designation.
Diagnosis. Body length 8-5.0 mm, elongate, weakly flattened, brown to dark brown. Pronotum densely, coarsely punctured. Elytral intervals distinctly convex to tectiform, some with minute setae. |
Distribution. Northwestern North America. |
Composition. Dialytodius contains 4 species.
Dialytodius carri (Brown 1929: 89) [Aphodius], NW-USA, SW-Canada.
Dialytodius decipiens (Horn 1887: 28) [Aphodius], NW-USA, Alberta-Canada.
Dialytodius olympicus Gordon and Skelley 2007: 243, WA-USA.
Dialytodius rogersi (Hatch 1971: 449) [Aphodius], NW-USA, BC-Canada. |
Life History. Rarely collected, members of Dialytodius appear to be rodent associates, possibly rodent dung generalists. Known hosts include pocket gophers, marmots, and prairie dogs. |
Larvae. Unknown. |
Gordon, R. D., and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A monograph of the Aphodiini inhabiting the United States and Canada (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 79: 580 pp.
Author: Paul Skelley
Generated on: 01/MAY/08.....Last
modified: 01/MAY/08
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology |