Classification |
Trogellus herrmanni Paulsen, 2013
........Trogellus herrmanni Paulsen, 2013: 7 (original comb.)

T. herrmanni. Photo by M.J. Paulsen.
of Trogellus species in Costa Rica and Panama.
Distribution: Costa Rica: Puntarenas; Panama: Chiriqui.
Paulsen, M.J. 2013. A new genus for the Neotropical species of Aesalus Fabricius, with descriptions of eight new species (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae). Insecta Mundi 0325: 1-25. Download
The species has been collected at light, but its biology is otherwise unknown. Adults are 4.8-5.6 mm in length.
Author: M.
J. Paulsen
Generated on: 16/DEC/2019.
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology