Classification |
Nicagus occultus Paulsen & Smith, 2005
.....Nicagus occultus Paulsen & Smith, 2005: 48.

........N. occultus, male (left) and female (right). Photos
by M.J. Paulsen. |
of N. occultus. |
........N. occultus, male, on sand.
by J.C. Abbott. |
Paulsen, M.J. and A.D. Smith. 2005. A new species of stag beetle from sand dunes in west Texas, and a synopsis of the genus Nicagus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae: Nicagini). Zootaxa. 1050: 45-60.
This species is known only from the Monahans sandhills in west Texas, but may also occur in similar habitat in southeastern New Mexico. Adults were observed in late May and early June engaging in hilltopping behavior on unvegetated sand dunes in the morning and late afternoon. Adults emerged from the crests of large dunes, with males often remaining mostly concealed with only their antennae exposed. After a brief period the adults re-entered the sand on the dune crests. Larvae and larval habitat are unknown.
Author: M.
J. Paulsen
Generated on: 3/OCT/2006
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology