Classification |
........Nicagus obscurus (LeConte, 1848) |
Ochodaeus obscurus LeConte, 1848: 86. (orig. comb.)

........N. obscurus, male.
by M.J. Paulsen |
........N. obscurus, female.
by M.J. Paulsen |
of N. obscurus. |
Paulsen, M.J. and A.D. Smith. 2005. A new species of stag beetle from sand dunes in west Texas, and a synopsis of the genus Nicagus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Aesalinae: Nicagini). Zootaxa. 1050: 45-60.
Katovich, K. and N. L. Kriska. 2002. Description of the larva of
Nicagus obscurus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Nicaginae), with
comments on its position in Lucanidae and notes on the larval and
adult habitat. Coleopterists Bulletin 56(2): 253-258.
This species is found in late spring and early summer along the sandy shores of lakes and streams. Specimens are usually collected in flight, on sand, or under debris (driftwood). Females are generally larger and darker in color.
Author: M.
J. Paulsen
Generated on: 3/OCT/2006
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology