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Key to the Genera of New World Hybosoridae

(By Ocampo 2001)

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1. Metatibia with transverse ridge near middle of external edge (Fig. 1a).
1'. Metatibia without transverse ridge near middle of external edge (Fig. 1b).


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Figure 1a Figure 1b

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2(1). Labrum with 7-11 teeth (Fig. 2).


2'. Labrum with 6 or fewer teeth.

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3(2). Frontoclypeal suture with medial, subtriangular tubercle. Pachyplectrus
3'. Frontoclypeal suture without medial tubercle.

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4(3). Antenna with 10 segments.
4'. Antenna with 9 segments.

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5(4). Eyes clearly visible in dorsal view (Fig. 3a). Apalonychus
5'. Eyes slightly visible in dorsal view (Fig. 3b). Coilodes


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Figure 3a Figure 3b


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6(4). Protibia with 2 large teeth (Fig. 4a). Labrum reflexed. Hapalonychoides
6'. Protibia with 3 large teeth (Fig. 4b). Labrum not reflexed. Metachaetodus


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Figure 4b Figure 4b

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7(1). Elytral disc nearly flat, sides separated from disc by strong carina.
7'. Elytral disc convex, carina (e) present or not.

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8(7). Head with frontoclypeal juncture rounded, not forming a sharp angle (Fig. 5a).
8'. Head with frontoclypeal juncture forming a sharp angle (Fig. 5b). Cryptogenius


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Figure 5a Figure 5b

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9(8). Elytra tuberculate. Metathoracic wings not developed or vestigial. Callosides
9'. Elytra not tuberculate. Metathoracic wings well developed. Anaides

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10(7). Meso- and metatibia not deeply, laterally flattened. (Fig. 6a).
10'. Meso- and metatibia deeply, laterally flattened (Fig. 6b). Daimothoacodes


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Figure 6a Figure 6b


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11(10). Antenna with 10 segments. Mandible with 1 tooth. Elytral disc not punctate or with 5 punctate striae.
11'. Antenna with 9 segments. Mandible with 2-3 teeth. Elytral disc with 7-9 punctate striae. Dicraeodon

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12(11). Pronotum with posterior, medial depression. Hybochaetodus
12'. Pronotum without posterior, medial depression (punture may be present). Chaetodus

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