Trevor Hawkeswood


Dr. Trevor Hawkeswood.


I was born on 10 September 1956 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Since an early age, I have been interested in the wonders of nature. Over the past thirty years I have published 3 books and almost 300 scientific papers and other articles. I have visited the following countries: Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Russia, the United States of America, Germany, and Austria. My main areas of research included the following: plant taxonomy and ecology, especially of endangered species; insect plant relationships, especially those dealing with beetles (Coleoptera); beetle taxonomy and ecology of jewel beetles (Buprestidae), longicorn beetles (Cerambycidae) and leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae).

Calodema is the name of my natural history journal which publishes research dealing with the animals and plants of the Australian region and the Pacific, but I have also recently extended this range to South America. Calodema is also the name of the genus of jewel beetle (family Buprestidae) which is tropical in distribution and comprises some of the most beautiful insects in the world.


Trevor J. Hawkeswood
PO Box 842
Richmond, NSW, 2753



Hawkeswood, T.J. (1978). Observations on some Buprestidae (Coleoptera) from the Blue Mountains, N.S.W. Australian Zoologist 19: 257-275. (Scarabaeidae mentioned on flowers of Leptospermum with Buprestidae).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1981). Insect pollination of Angophora woodsiana F.M. Bail. (Myrtaceae) at Burbank, south-east Queensland. Victorian Naturalist 98: 120-129. (Scarabaeidae mentioned as pollinators of Angophora).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1982). Notes on insect pollination of two species of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from south-west Western Australia. Victorian Naturalist 99: 28-37. (Scarabaeidae mentioned as pollinators of Eucalyptus).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1982). A record of Thomisus spectabilis Dolesch. 1859 (Araneida: Thomisidae) feeding on a scarab beetle. Victorian Naturalist 99: 140-141.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1985). Records of predation on Australian Buprestidae and Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) by Asilidae (Diptera). Coleopterists Bulletin 39: 354.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1987). Pollination of Leptospermum flavescens Sm. (Myrtaceae) by beetles (Coleoptera) in the Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 3: 261-269. (Scarabaeidae mentioned as pollinators of Leptospermum).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1987). Notes on some Coleoptera from Baeckea stenophylla F. Muell. (Myrtaceae) in New South Wales, Australia. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 3: 285-290. (Scarabaeidae mentioned as visitors to flowers of Baeckea).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1987). Beetles of Australia. Angus & Robertson Publishers, Sydney: VIII + 248. (Many Scarabaeidae mentioned and illustrated).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1987). Bestäubung von Verticordia picta (Myrtaceae) durch Scarabaeiden (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 97: 257-260. (An English translation of this paper was published as part of Hawkeswood, 1993, Giornale Italiano di Entomologia, 6: 239-242).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1987). Bemerkungen zur Biologie und zum Verhalten von Repsimus manicatus (Swartz) in den Blue Mountains, New South Wales, Australia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 97: 282-284.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1989). Notes on Diphucephala affinis associated with flowers of Hibbertia and Acacia in Western Australia. Plant Systematics and Evolution 168: 1-5.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1990).  Insect pollination of Bursaria spinosa (Pittosporaceae) in the Armidale area, New South Wales, Australia. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 5: 67-87. (Scarabaeidae mentioned as pollinators of Bursaria).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1991). A list and notes on some nocturnally active beetles attracted to street  lights at Townsville, north-eastern Queensland. Victorian Entomologist, 21: 102-105. (A revised version of this paper with colour photographs is presented in Hawkeswood, 1992, Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 6: 5-8).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1991). Insect pollination of Acacia bidwillii Benth. (Mimosaceae) at Townsville, northern Queensland, Australia. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 5: 219-238. (Scarabaeidae mentioned as pollinators of Acacia).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1991). Observations on a Diphucephala species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and its feeding relationship with the giant stinging tree, Dendrocnide excelsa (Wedd.) Chew (Urticaceae) in Queensland, Australia. The Entomologist 110: 170-177.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1991). Über einige Wirtspflanzen des australischen Cetoniine Glycyphana stolata (Fabricius)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 101: 302-307.

Hawkeswood, T.J., Callister, D.J. & Antram, F. (1991). Collection and export of Australian Insects: An analysis of legislative protection and trade to Europe. Traffic Bulletin12: 41-48. (Numerous Scarabaeidae mentioned).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1992). A list and notes on some nocturnally active beetles (Coleoptera) attracted to street lights at Townsville, north-eastern Queensland, Australia. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 6: 5-8.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1992). Diphucephala bernhardti sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from heathlands of north-eastern New South Wales, Australia and its association with Hibbertia flowers (Dilleniaceae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 6: 109-117.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1992). Observations on insect pollination of Melaleuca lanceolata Otto and Verticordia picta Endl. (Myrtaceae), Leucopogon parviflorus (Andr.) Lindl. (Epacridaceae) and Eryngium pinnatifidum Bunge (Apiaceae) in Western Australia. Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 6: 239-242. (Scarabaeidae mentioned as pollinators of Melaleuca and Verticordia).

Hawkeswood, T.J. (2002). New adult host plant records for Glycyphana stolata (Fabricius, 1781)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Australia. Entomologische Zeitschrift 112: 179-180.

Hawkeswood, T.J. & Turner, J.R. (2002). Review of some aspects of the biology and host plants of Repsimus aeneus (Fabricius)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia 10: 99-102.

Hawkeswood, T.J. & Turner, J.R. (2003). A late occurrence of the Australian cetonid beetle, Polystigma punctata (Donovan)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae; Cetoniinae) and comments on the late-flowering of its food plant, Bursaria spinosa Cav. (Pittosporaceae) in the Sydney area, New South Wales, Australia. Calodema 1: 13-14.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (2006). Review of literature and the biology of the Australian Ceratocanthidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). Calodema 7: 8-11.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (2007). A record of Eriophora transmarinus (Keyserling, 1865) (Arachnida: Araneidae) feeding on the large cetonid beetle, Diaphonia dorsalis (Donovan, 1805)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Calodema Supplementary Paper No. 17: 1-2.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (2007). Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Shell Picture Card series: Scarabaeidae. Calodema Supplementary Paper No. 49: 1-6.

Hawkeswood, T.J. & Turner, J.R. (2007). Record of pollination of Lomatia silaifolia (Sm.) R.Br. (Proteaceae) by the cetonid beetle Bisallardiana gymnopleura (Fischer von Waldheim, 1823)(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) with comments on some entomological observations of Denham & Whelan (2000) in the Australian Journal of Botany. Calodema Supplementary Paper No. 52 : 1-5.


Hawkeswood, T.J. (1985). Host plant record for Figulus regularis Westwood (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Coleopterists Bulletin, 39: 200.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1988). Verzeichnis einiger neuer Wirtspflanzen von Figulus regularis Westwood (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 98: 270-272.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (1992). A note on Lamprima aurata Latreille (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Victorian Entomologist, 22: 44.

Hawkeswood, T.J. & Bomans, H. (1992). Notes on a small collection of Lucanidae from northern Papua New Guinea (Insecta, Coleoptera). Spixiana, 15: 137-142.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (2001). A new larval host record for Lamprima aurata (Latreille, 1817)(Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from Australia. Entomologische Zeitschrift, 111: 333-334.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (2006). Description of the pupa of Ryssonotus nebulosus (Kirby, 1818)(Coleoptera: Lucanidae) with a review of biology of adults and notes on larval host plants. Calodema, 6: 1-2.

Hawkeswood, T.J. (2007). Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Shell Picture Card series: Lucanidae. Calodema Supplementary Paper No. 44: 1-3.


Hawkeswood, T.J. (2007). Beetles (Coleoptera) of the Shell Picture Card series: Geotrupidae. Calodema Supplementary Paper No. 40: 1-2.


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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology