Giovanni Onore


Giovanni Onore in his lab in Quito, July 1998.
Giovanni Onore is a retired professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador(PUCE) where he was the Director of the QCAZ (Quito Catholic Zoology Museum), the largest entomological collection in
Ecuador, and an advisor for a number of students conducting taxonomic studies of Scarabaeoidea.

He has an interest in Scarabaeoidea and specifically in the lucanid genus Sphaenognathus. He is now devoting his time to the Otonga Foundation, whose aim is to preserve and study the Otonga Forest Reserve and support Ecuadorian students.


Giovanni Onore
Misión Marianista
Apartado 17-03-1514A

Fundación Otonga
Apartado 17-03-1514A
Quito Ecuador

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Site generated on: 01/JAN/1998
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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology