Olivier, a physician by training,
was one of the great French naturalists and entomologists. He
collected extensively in Europe and was employed as a naturalist
for six years on a major expedition to Persia. He returned to
France in 1798 with major natural history collections from Turkey,
Asia Minor, Persia (Iran), Egypt, and some Mediterranean islands.
In 1800 he was appointed a Professor of Zoology at the Veterinary;
School at Alfort. He was a close friend of Fabricius as well
as a patron and protector of Latreille during the revolutionary
period of 1810-1814.
His large collection is now mostly at the Museum National d'Histoire
Naturelle in Paris.
Essig, E. O. 1972. A HISTORY OF ENTOMOLOGY. Hafner Publishing
Co., New York. 1,029 pp. |