George (György) Hangay


George Hangay. Photo by Katherine Hangay.


George Hangay was born in 1941 in Budapest, Hungary. He started to collect beetles at the age of 8. During his teenage years he met Dr. Sebö Endrödi, who encouraged him to focus on scarabs and helped him to learn more about general coleopterology. George also learned taxidermy from the Hungarian Natural History Museum's great taxidermist, Béla Hüttler. In 1967 he moved to Australia, where he made a living as a field collector of natural history specimens and as a taxidermist/ model maker. In 1972 he was employed by the Australian Museum as a Preparator and in a few years time he became the Chief Preparator. He retained his interest in scarabs and maintained a growing collection. After 22 yrs of service, he retired from the museum. George continued his entomological activities as a consultant to the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, he conducted faunal surveys and, together with his wife, he carried on collecting and studying scarabs in Australia and overseas. As his collection became too big to be managed by a private person, large portions of it were donated to numerous Australian institutions and to the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Over 100,000 prepared specimens were added to the various collections. George still maintains a relatively large collection of Scarabaeoidea. His natural history related writings were published widely in English and Hungarian, mostly in the populist genre. George belongs to a number of learned societies, namely the Hungarian Entomological Society, the Entomological Society of NSW, the Linnaean Society, and he is a scientific member of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW and member of the Hungarian Professors’ World Council.  The Frivaldszky Memorial Plaque was awarded to him by the Hungarian Entomological Society. Ten newly described arthropods were named after him.


George Hangay
29 Warili Road
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086

TEL: 61 2 99727463



Hangay, G., Hercczeg, E.; Vojnits, A. (1981) A report on collecting trips in Australia 1980-1981. Folia ent.hung. Volume: 92 Pages: 15-25.
Hangay, G., Vojnits, A., (1987) A report on collecting trips in Australia in 1987 Folia ent.hung. Volume: 48 Pages: 251-254.
Hangay, G., Vojnits, A. (1987) A report on collecting trips in Malaysia in 1987. Folia ent.hung. Volume: 48 Pages: 247-250.
Hangay, G. and Dingley, M.O., (1985) Biological Museum Methods Vol. I-II. Academic Press, Sydney, London, Newark, Tokyo.
Krell, F.T., Hangay, G. (1998) New records of the African Rhinoceros Beetle in Australia. Journal of Australian Entomology.
Moulds, M., Hangay, G., (1998) First record of the Bladder Cicada Cystosoma saundersii (Westwood) from Lord Howe Island (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) (1998) Australian Entomologist 25(3): 75- 76.

Hangay, G. and German, P. (2000) Insects of Australia, a Field Guide. Reed New Holland, Frenchs Forest, 128 p.

Hangay, G., Bankovits, A., Fuisz, T., (2001) Notes on the vertebrate fauna of Katandra Bushland Sanctuary, Sydney, Australia. Miscellanea Zoologica Hungarica 13. 123- 134.

Hangay, G., (2001) Notes on Australian Cetoniinae research. Notes sur l’étude des Cetoniinae australiennes. Cetoniimania Vol. I. No 5:122-127. 

Walker, I.A., Hangay, G., (2002) New Distribution Record of Laxta gloriosa (Blattodea) on Norfolk Island. General and Applied Entomology.
Hangay, G., (2003) Report on the Fauna of Katandra Bushland Sanctuary. 2000. Flora and Fauna Society of Katandra, Sydney.

Fabian, Gy., Hangay, G., A list and short notes on the environments of some Sphingidae of Brazil. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 2003.
Hangay, G. (2004) contributions to: Encyclopedia of Entomology John L. Capinera, Editor. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2,580 pp. Bibliographies of:
Lajos Abafi- Aigner (Ludwig Aigner) 1840- 1909
Lajos Bíró 1856- 1931
Elemér Bokor 1887- 1928
Herbert James Carter 1858- 1940
Ernõ Csiki (Ernst Dietl) 1875- 1954
Endre Dudich 1895- 1971
Sámuel Fenichel 1868- 1893
Imre Frivaldszky 1799- 1870
János Frivaldszky1822- 1895
Walter Wilson Froggatt 1858- 1937
Ottó Herman 1835- 1914
William John Macleay 1820- 1891
George Masters 1837- 1912
David Miller 1890- 1973
Arthur Mills Lea 1868- 1932
József Gyula Hubertus Szent- Ivány 1910- 1988

Hangay, G., Merkl, O., (2004) contributions to: Encyclopedia of Entomology John L. Capinera, Editor Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2,580 pp. Bibliographies of:
Sebõ Endrõdi (Sebastian Endrõdi) 1903- 1984
Sebastian Endrõdy- Younga 1934- 1999
Zoltán Kaszab 1915- 1986

Hangay, G., Broadley, A., (2005) The invertebrate Collection of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service, NSW (2005). General and Applied Entomology, Vol. 34: 17- 21;

Hangay, G., Nádai, L., Székely, K., (2005) Report on Hungarian entomological expeditions to Iran Folia Historico Naturalia Musei Matraensis, 29:7- 18.

Hangay, Gy., (2007) Gyüjtöüton a Kék Hegyekben. Rovarász Híradó 48. Dec. 2008 pp. 5-7/

Hangay, G., (2008) Remembering some old colleagues. Tarsus No 583. Sept. 2008 pp. 30-31.

Hangay, Gy., (2008) Újabb Szent-Ivány dokumentumok. Rovarász Híradó 51, Oct. 2008 pp .3-6.

Populist books and articles with entomological content:

Hangay, G., (1987) Tábortüzek a Dél Keresztje alatt Mezõgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest, 200 p.

Hangay, G., The Malaysian Jungle; (1989) Wings of Gold the Inflight Magazine of Malaysian Airlines, October. 

Hangay, G., (1990) Follow that Elephant! Mandala Publishers, Sydney, Singapore etc.

Hangay, G. The beetle collector: a detective story Nature Australia, Australian Museum, Sydney 2/62. 

Hangay, G., (1996) Óriásbogarak nyomában Természet, Budpest, III.:1.1996. 

Hangay, G., (1998) Ahol még kék az ég Dénes Natur Mûhely, Pusztazámor, 137 p.

Hangay, G., (1998) Tábortüzek a Dél Keresztje alatt 2nd.expanded edition Dénes Natur Mûhely, Pusztazámor, 207 p.

Hangay, G., (1999) Kuszkusz kókusszal Dénes Natur Mûhely, Pusztazámor, 189 p.

Hangay, G., (2001) Ausztráliában bogarásztunk.Vadon, Budapest, 2001.:4. 

Hangay, G., (2002) Tatárjárás az õserdõben. Rablóhangyák az egész világ ellen. Vadon, Budapest 2002.:2. 

Hangay, G., (2002) A kacagó koponyák földjén Dénes Natur Mûhely, Pusztazámor,207 p.

Hangay, G., (2004) Sikerörténet Vadon, Budapest. 

Hangay, G., (2004) Nagy magyar entomológusok az USA- ban megjelenõ Rovartani Lexikonban (Encyclopedia of Entomology). Rovarász Híradó, Budapest. 

Hangay, G., (2005) Rend a lelke mindennek. Carl von Linné élete és munkássága, Vadon, Budapest ,2005:4. 

Hangay, G., (2005) 100 jó kérdés Ausztrália állatairól Arón Kiadó, Budapest. 

Hangay, G., (2005) Buffon, a felvilágosodás természettudósa, Vadon,Budapest, 2005:6.

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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology