Edgar Von Harold   1830-1886

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Baron Edgar Von Harold


Baron Edgar von Harold was born in Munich from a family of Irish origin. He was educated at the court of the Bavarian King, where he graduated in 1848.  Harold then enrolled in the Royal Guard of Bavaria where he worked until 1869.  He retired with the rank of 1st class Captain.  This time off enabled him to travel to Spain and the Moroccan coast.  When he returned to Europe he then visited Paris, London and several other famous cities.  In 1870 he returned to military service.  At the end of the war he became a civilian once again.  It was then that he could devote all of his time to entomology.

Edgar von Harold had a broad interest in Coleoptera and in 1868 published the first volume of the Catalogus Coloepterorum Hucusque Descriptorum, a project in cooperation with Gemminger.  Gemminger and Harold published the last volume of this immense work in 1876.  Although strongly criticized at the time due to changes in nomenclature, this work bestowed on Harold and Gemminger great recognition.  His largest contribution was in the group Scarabaeinae (coprophagous beetles).  Harold was editor of the Coleopterische Hefte (1867-1879) and author of a large portion of its content.  It was here where the majority of his scarab descriptions were published.   He was also editor of the Mittheilungen des Münchener Entom. Vereins (1877-1881).  Harold accepted the Curator position of the Entomology Section of the Berlin Museum from 1877 to 1880.  This commitment provided him with access to a large collection of new species of scarabs waiting to be described.  Harold was also a member of several prominent societies, including the Société Entomologique de France and The Entomological Society of London.  In later years, failing eyesight due to a disease prevented him from further work.  He died August 1, 1886 after a long and arduous battle with stomach cancer.


McLachlan, Robert. 1886.  Obituary. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, pp. LXV-LXVI.

Fairmaire, L. 1887. Notice Nécrologique sur M. le baron Edgar von Harold. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 1887:47-48.

Information provided by François Genier, Canadian Museum of Nature.


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University of Nebraska-Lincoln State Museum - Division of Entomology