Scarabaeoidea of Southern South America Links
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Tesarius caelatus (LeConte, 1857)
Tesarius caelatus (LeConte).
Photo by Paul Skelley.
Tesarius caelatus distributional records from southern South America.

Original combination: Aegialia caelata LeConte, 1857: 42.
Type locality: “San Francisco.”

  Specimens examined: 106 specimens were examined from ABTS, FMNH, HAHC, JMEC.
  Distribution: CHILE (106). V Región de Valparaíso (1): San Sabastián; Región Metropolitana (1): El Tabo; VI Región de O’Higgins (35): Pichilemu; X Región de Los Lagos (69): Carelmapu, Pangal, Reserva Costera Valdiviana (Chaihuin Sector), Reserva Costera Valdiviana (Colún Sector).

Outside the study area, this species has been recorded from the Nearctic and the Palaearctic (Skelley 2001).
  Specimens examined: 47 specimens were examined from ABTS, FMNH, JMEC, MEUC, MNNC, PESC, TMSA, UCDS, UMCE, UNSM.
  Distribution: CHILE (47). IV Región de Coquimbo (2): Camino La Serena (Ovalle); V Región de Valparaíso (1): Villa Alemana; Región Metropolitana (30): Apoquindo, Colina, Colina (Ruta 5 N, km 16.5), Curacaví (Lingues de Miraflores), El Ingenio, Las Condes (Quinchamali), Rinconada (Maipú), Santiago, Santiago
(El Canelo), Santiago (Ñuñoa), Santiago (Renca); VI Región de O’Higgins (3): Pelequén, San Vicente de Tagua; VII Región del Maule (6): Linares, Reserva Nacional Los Ruiles (Cauquenes), Talca (20 km S), Tonlemo; VIII Región del Bío-Bío (1): Río Biobío; No Data (4). This species was also recorded from Isla Juan Fernández, Chile by Schmidt (1931).

Outside the study area, this species has been recorded from the Nearctic and Neotropics; the Palaearctic; Africa (Löbl and Smetana 2006).
  Temporal data: January (69), February (1), May (1), October (35).

Diagnosis: Length 3–4 mm. See genus diagnosis.

  Remarks: Tesarius caelatus is native to the western coast of North America, where it can be abundant in ocean-side sand dunes. Populations in Chile are indistinguishable from those in North America. Tesarius caelatus appears to have been recently established in Chile and Great Britain (Johnson 1975, Skelley 2001), quite possibly having been transported in ship ballasts. Based on our observations of label data, this species has occurred in Chile since at least 1961.

In January 2006, one of us (ABTS) did field work in Chile and specifically targeted areas where psammodiines might occur. Specimens were readily collected in several localities with beach sand and sand dune systems (as discussed in the remarks section for Leiopsammodius indefensus). Leiopsammodius indefensus and
Tesarius caelatus were collected using identical collecting techniques and found in the same areas with one notable exception: Tesarius caelatus was not found anywhere on Isla Grande de Chiloé. We hypothesize that because this introduced species is flightless, it has not had the opportunity to colonize islands such as Isla Grande de Chiloé. Nonetheless, this species ranges extensively across the middle third of mainland Chile.
Johnson, C. (1975) Nine species of Coleoptera new from Britain. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 111, 177–183.

Skelley, P.E. (2001) New record for Tesarius Rakovic in South America (Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae: Psammodiini). Insecta Mundi,
14, 240. [Dated 2000].
  Excerpt from:
Smith, A. B. T. and P. E. Skelley. 2007. A review of the Aphodiinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of southern South America. Zootaxa, 1458, 1-80.

Authors: Andrew Smith (Canadian Museum of Nature) and
Paul Skelley (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services).
This website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0342189.
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