
1. Mesotibia with external tooth. Elytra not uniformly scaled, instead with pattern consisting of irregular patches of uniformly testaceous scales contrasting with glabrous patches ............................................. Hilophyllus penai (Martínez)

1'. Mesotibia without external tooth. Elytra uniformly scaled, pattern composed of
patches of dark and light colored scales, glabrous patches lacking .................... 2
2. Anterior pronotal angles not produced, instead subcontiguous with anterior margin of pronotum (Fig. 23). Male genitalia (Fig. 20) with a strong hook at apex of each paramere; median lobe strongly, laterally compressed ......................................................... Hilophyllus argentinensis (Martínez)
2'. Anterior pronotal angles produced, not contiguous with anterior margin of pronotum (Fig. 24). Male genitalia (Fig. 21) with 2 small teeth at apex of each paramere and with median lobe subcylindrical, not strongly flattened ................................................. Hilophyllus martinezi Paulsen & Mondaca
Figures 20-24. 20, ventral view of male genitalia,
H. argentinensis. 21, ventral view of male genitalia, H. martinezi. 23, outline of anterior portion of pronotum of H. argentinensis, showing lack of produced anterior angles. 24, outline of anterior portion of pronotum of H. martinezi, showing produced
anterior angles.

Authors: M. J. Paulsen (University of Nebraska State Museum)
and José Mondaca (Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero (SAG). Santiago, Chile)
This website is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0342189.
Generated on: 22/SEP/08.....Last modified: 22/SEP/08

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