Pseudocotalpa Hardy,

photo by Matthew
R. Moore

distribution of Pseudocotalpa species

photo by Matthew
R. Moore
Classification |
Diagnosis: Pseudocotalpa
distinguished from the other Rutelinae and Areodina by the following
combination of characters: (1) clypeus deeply concave, (2) poorly developed
prothoracic postcoxal spine or knob, (3) enlarged, deeply grooved maxillary
palp (Hardy 1971).
Distribution: Pseudocotalpa occurs
in California and Nevada, south to Mexico (Sonora).
Composition: The
genus Pseudocotalpa contains three species: P. andrewsi Hardy,
1971; P. giulianii Hardy, 1974; P. sonorica Hardy,
Data: Species of Pseudocotalpa have
been noted to inhabit areas with loose, drifting sand dunes. Pseudocotalpa species
emerge from the dunes at dusk, flying over the sand at a height
of a few inches. Pseudocotalpa spend daylight hours buried
in the sand at depths below several feet. All three species in
the genus Pseudocotalpa exhibit similar behaviors (Hardy
1971; Hardy 1974). Individuals of P. guilianii have been
found at depths four to six inches beneath creosote bushes (Larrea
divaricata Cav.)
(Zygophyllaceae). Females of P. guilianii were observed
to emit pheromones from the tips of creosote branches, which attracted
hovering males (Hardy 1976). Individuals of P.
sonorica fly
at dusk between 7:30 and 8:00 pm when temperatures are around
21-24?C and winds are light (Van Dam and Van Dam 2006). Pseudocotalpa
sonorica has been observed to fly out of bushes of Croton
wigginsii Wheeler (Euphorbiaceae), Eriogonum deserticola S.
Watson (Polygonaceae), and Dicoria canescens A. Gray
(Asteraceae) (Van Dam and Van Dam 2006). Pseudocotalpa sonorica has
been observed to form mating swarms in which a single female attracts
many males who fight over access to the female. The distribution
of Pseudocotalpa
sonorica and P. andrewsi overlaps
slightly in the Algodones Sand Dune system in California. Pseudocotalpa
sonorica is
commonly collected on the tops of dunes, while P. andrewsi is
found primarily at the bases of dunes (Van Dam and Van Dam 2006).
Van Dam and Van Dam (2006) described the third instar
larvae of P. sonorica.
Status: Pseudocotalpa andrewsi,
which is restricted to the Algodones Sand Dunes, was recently surveyed
to determine whether the species should be regarded as “threatened” or “endangered” under
the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The survey concluded that P.
andrewsi is in no immediate need of protection.
A.R. 1971. The North American Areodina with a description of a new
genus from California. The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 47: 235-242.
Hardy, A. R. 1974. Two new species of Pseudocotalpa Hardy.
The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 50: 243-247.
Hardy, A.R. 1976. Observations on the mating behavior of Pseudocotalpa
guilianii Hardy. Coleopterists Bulletin 30(3): 301-302.
Hardy, A.R. and F.G. Andrews. 1986. Studies in the coleoptera of western
sand dunes. 2. notes on four scarabaeidae from the Algodones Dune system.
Coleopterists Bulletin 40(2): 127-139.
Van Dam, Matthew and Alex Van Dam. 2006. Description of the larvae
of Pseudocotalpa sonorica Hardy (Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae:
Rutelini) with notes on life history. Coleopterists Bulletin 60(01):31-36.
Author: Matthew R. Moore
Generated on: 26/MAR/07.....Last
modified: 26/MAR/07
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology