Paracotalpa Ohaus,

photo by Matthew
R. Moore

distribution of Paracotalpa species

photo by Matthew
R. Moore
Classification |
Diagnosis: Members
of the genus Paracotalpa are distinguished from the other
American Areodina north of Mexico by the following combination of characters:
(1) postcoxal prothoracic spine well developed, often extending to
level of coxal apex, (2) fourth segment of maxillary palp normal (not
enlarged), (3) pronotum and elytra with abundant dorsal setae, (4)
pronotum metallic blue, black, or green, (5) tarsal claws of both sexes
simple (Saylor 1940).
Distribution: Paracotalpa occurs
in the western United States from Washington south to California and
or Synopsis:
Saylor, L.W. 1940. Synoptic revision of the beetle genera Cotalpa and Paracotalpa of
the United States with descriptions of a new subgenus. Proceedings
of the Entomological Society of Washington 42: 190-200.
Composition: The
genus Paracotalpa contains four species: P. deserta Saylor,
1940; P. granicollis (Haldeman, 1852); P. puncticollis (LeConte,
1863); P. ursina (Horn, 1867).
Data: Paracotalpa deserta has
been collected at the bases of Larrea sp. (Zygophyllaceae)
and Franseria sp. (Asteraceae). Paracotalpa
deserta has also been collected from the apical spines of Franseria, apparently
impaled onto the spines by birds. Paracotalpa deserta flies
in the late afternoon (Hardy 1972). Paracotalpa deserta have
been collected on the blossoms and leaves of the desert annuals Abronia
villosa Watson (Nyctinaceae), and Camissonia claviformis Torrey & Fremont
(Onagraceae) in the late afternoon. Paracotalpa deserta were
observed emerging from the soil at the base of Camissonia claviformis Torrey & Fremont
(La Rue 1992).
A.R. 1972. A note on Paracotalpa deserta Saylor (Coleoptera:
Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 26(2):77-78.
La Rue, D.A. 1992. Food plant associations for Paracotalpa Ohaus
and Phobetus LeConte from southern California (Coleoptera:
Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae & Melolonthinae). Coleopterists Bulletin
46(1): 28.
Saylor, L.W. 1940. Synoptic revision of the beetle genera Cotalpa and Paracotalpa of
the United States with descriptions of a new subgenus. Proceedings
of the Entomological Society of Washington 42: 190-200.
Author: Matthew R. Moore
Generated on: 23/MAR/07.....Last
modified: 23/MAR/07
University of Nebraska State Museum - Division of Entomology